Taoist ritual and popular cults of South-East China. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°90, 1995. p. 129
English summary Cangnan, a recently-created district along the coast of SE Zhejiang, bordering on th...
von Kretschman Michel. Aspects religieux du culte de Mao Zedong. In: Perspectives chinoises, n°21, 1...
Dunstheimer Guillaume G. H. Waley (Arthur) The Nine Songs Study of Shamanism in Ancient China. In: A...
Taoist ritual and popular cults of South-East China. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions...
Pilgrims and sacred sites in China. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°90, 1995. p. ...
Philosophy and soteriology in the Taoist tradition. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions,...
Lagerwey John. Kenneth Dean : Taoist Ritual and Popular Cults of Southeast China. In: Bulletin de l'...
Peyraube Alain. Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religi...
Peyraube Alain. Maspero (Henri) Taoism and Chinese Religion. In: Archives de sciences sociales des r...
10.1163/ej.9789004182462.i-312.47Social Scientific Studies of Religion in China133-16
Aubin Françoise. Religions et traditions para-religieuses en Chine. In: Archives de sciences sociale...
Compte rendu. Kenneth Dean, Taoist Ritual and Popular Cults of Southeast China, BEFEO 82, 442-44
Aubin Françoise. The Cult of the Dead in Chinese Village. In: Archives de sciences sociales des reli...
Chappell (David W.) Buddhist and Taoist Practice in Medieval Chinese Society. In: Archives de scienc...
Prenant principalement appui sur des matériaux de terrain et des documents historiques, la présente ...
English summary Cangnan, a recently-created district along the coast of SE Zhejiang, bordering on th...
von Kretschman Michel. Aspects religieux du culte de Mao Zedong. In: Perspectives chinoises, n°21, 1...
Dunstheimer Guillaume G. H. Waley (Arthur) The Nine Songs Study of Shamanism in Ancient China. In: A...
Taoist ritual and popular cults of South-East China. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions...
Pilgrims and sacred sites in China. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions, n°90, 1995. p. ...
Philosophy and soteriology in the Taoist tradition. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions,...
Lagerwey John. Kenneth Dean : Taoist Ritual and Popular Cults of Southeast China. In: Bulletin de l'...
Peyraube Alain. Religion and Ritual in Chinese Society. In: Archives de sciences sociales des religi...
Peyraube Alain. Maspero (Henri) Taoism and Chinese Religion. In: Archives de sciences sociales des r...
10.1163/ej.9789004182462.i-312.47Social Scientific Studies of Religion in China133-16
Aubin Françoise. Religions et traditions para-religieuses en Chine. In: Archives de sciences sociale...
Compte rendu. Kenneth Dean, Taoist Ritual and Popular Cults of Southeast China, BEFEO 82, 442-44
Aubin Françoise. The Cult of the Dead in Chinese Village. In: Archives de sciences sociales des reli...
Chappell (David W.) Buddhist and Taoist Practice in Medieval Chinese Society. In: Archives de scienc...
Prenant principalement appui sur des matériaux de terrain et des documents historiques, la présente ...
English summary Cangnan, a recently-created district along the coast of SE Zhejiang, bordering on th...
von Kretschman Michel. Aspects religieux du culte de Mao Zedong. In: Perspectives chinoises, n°21, 1...
Dunstheimer Guillaume G. H. Waley (Arthur) The Nine Songs Study of Shamanism in Ancient China. In: A...