Edited by N. Bøgholm, Aage Brusendorff, C.A. Bodelsen."The publication of this volume has been made possible by a grant from Carlsbergfondet, Copenhagen"--p. [2].Mawer, A. Some unworked sources for English lexicography.--Ekwall, E. How long did the Scandinavian language survive in England?--Brandl, A. Einige tatsachen betreffend Scyld Scefing.--Zachrisson, R.E. Grendel in Beowulf and in local names.--Malone, K. Old English (ge)hȳden, "heed".--Pedersen, M. Oldenglesk fæmne.--Langenhove, G. van. The assibilation of palatal stops in Old English.--Förster, M. Die freiassungsurkundendes Bodmin-Evangeliars.--Bødtker, A.T. Anglice loqui.--Onions, C.T. Breche in "The owl and the nightingale" line 14.--Sundén, K.F. The etymology of the M.E. verbs r...