The world\u27s population is projected to grow 32% in the coming years, and the number of Muslims is expected to grow by 70%—from 1.8 billion in 2015 to about 3 billion in 2060. Hijri is the Islamic calendar, also known as the lunar Hijri calendar, which consists of 12 lunar months, and it is tied to the Moon phases where a new crescent Moon marks the beginning of each month. Muslims use the Hijri calendar to determine important dates and religious events such as Ramadan, Haj, Muharram, etc. Till today, there is no consensus on deciding on the beginning of Ramadan month within the Muslim community. This is mainly due to the imprecise observations of the new crescent Moon in different locations. Artificial intelligence and its sub-field mach...
Almost every time before Ramadan, Shawwal and Dhulhijjah Muslims are always busy with the issue of d...
There has been a dispute among Indonesian Muslims over the determination of the beginning of Islam...
We present a progress report on the development of information system of lunar crescent astronomical...
Various theories have been proposed since in last century to predict the first sighting of a new cre...
This study aims to observe the determination of the beginning of the Hijri month in the implementati...
The Islamic calendar decision has always been a public discourse among Muslims at the beginning of R...
Based on data record of young lunar crescent (hilal) observations around the world, now we have basi...
The visibility of the thin crescent Moon is an important problem for the calendars of many societies...
The first visibility of the lunar crescent signals the start of a new month in the Islamic calendar....
The expected visibility (imkan al-rukyah) criteria have been applied to determine the first month o...
One of the important issues Muslims face which needs to be addressed scholarly and juristically is t...
A month in the Islamic lunar calendar begins on the day following the first evening during which the...
To determine the start of lunar months, there are several methods that serve as the basis, among oth...
Criteria for the visibility of the new moon have been initiated by Betawi ulama, one of which is fou...
Almost every time before Ramadan, Shawwal and Dhulhijjah Muslims are always busy with the issue of d...
There has been a dispute among Indonesian Muslims over the determination of the beginning of Islam...
We present a progress report on the development of information system of lunar crescent astronomical...
Various theories have been proposed since in last century to predict the first sighting of a new cre...
This study aims to observe the determination of the beginning of the Hijri month in the implementati...
The Islamic calendar decision has always been a public discourse among Muslims at the beginning of R...
Based on data record of young lunar crescent (hilal) observations around the world, now we have basi...
The visibility of the thin crescent Moon is an important problem for the calendars of many societies...
The first visibility of the lunar crescent signals the start of a new month in the Islamic calendar....
The expected visibility (imkan al-rukyah) criteria have been applied to determine the first month o...
One of the important issues Muslims face which needs to be addressed scholarly and juristically is t...
A month in the Islamic lunar calendar begins on the day following the first evening during which the...
To determine the start of lunar months, there are several methods that serve as the basis, among oth...
Criteria for the visibility of the new moon have been initiated by Betawi ulama, one of which is fou...
Almost every time before Ramadan, Shawwal and Dhulhijjah Muslims are always busy with the issue of d...
There has been a dispute among Indonesian Muslims over the determination of the beginning of Islam...
We present a progress report on the development of information system of lunar crescent astronomical...