Glavni cilj tega referata je ponovno preučiti položaj in vlogo priznanega skladatelja in zborovodje Davorina Jenka (1835–1914) v procesu nastajanja in premika panslovanskih idej prek glasbe in glasbenih dejavnosti v Avstro-Ogrski in Kraljevini Srbiji, večinoma ob prehodu iz 19. stoletja v 20.The main aim of this paper is to re-examine the position and a role of distinguish composer and choir-master Davorin Jenko (1835–1914), in the processes of emerging and migrating Pan– Slavic ideas through music and music activities both in Austro- Hungary and Kingdom of Serbia, mainly at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.31. Slovenski glasbeni dnevi / 31st Slovenian Music Days, Ljubljana, 16.–19. аpril 2016
Analyses of selected works are used to re-examine the stylistic orientation of Slovenian music betwe...
Zborsko pjevanje predstavlja umjetnost koja na više načina izgrađuje pojedinca; razvija njegove glaz...
The article examines the musical performance activities of the pianist, teacher, conductor and music...
Some might estimate that my decision to write a paper on the renowned composer and conductor Davorin...
The main goal of this paper, devoted to the contribution of Czech Musicians to the Serbian Music in ...
Davorin Jenko was a choirmaster, conductor, musical tutor as well as, for almost half a century, a c...
The author presents phases in the work on the database within the European HERA project Music Migrat...
This paper provides an overview of the literature on Slovenian musical composition and performance. ...
Smrt trojice znamenitih ličnosti i stvaralaca – Jovana Skerlića (1877–1914), Stevana Stojanovića Mok...
This study considers musical links between Moravia and the Slovenian lands in the first half of the ...
V svoji diplomski seminarski nalogi sem govorila o slovenski narodno-zabavni glasbi, kot po drugi sv...
This paper contains a brief overview of the present state of research on various aspects of sacred m...
The main aim of this paper is to re-examine the modalities of Béla Bartók’s influence as a composer ...
During the course of my continuing research into the music of Serbia, it was drawn to my attent...
After obtaining the status of free port under the Austrian administration (1719), Trieste was transf...
Analyses of selected works are used to re-examine the stylistic orientation of Slovenian music betwe...
Zborsko pjevanje predstavlja umjetnost koja na više načina izgrađuje pojedinca; razvija njegove glaz...
The article examines the musical performance activities of the pianist, teacher, conductor and music...
Some might estimate that my decision to write a paper on the renowned composer and conductor Davorin...
The main goal of this paper, devoted to the contribution of Czech Musicians to the Serbian Music in ...
Davorin Jenko was a choirmaster, conductor, musical tutor as well as, for almost half a century, a c...
The author presents phases in the work on the database within the European HERA project Music Migrat...
This paper provides an overview of the literature on Slovenian musical composition and performance. ...
Smrt trojice znamenitih ličnosti i stvaralaca – Jovana Skerlića (1877–1914), Stevana Stojanovića Mok...
This study considers musical links between Moravia and the Slovenian lands in the first half of the ...
V svoji diplomski seminarski nalogi sem govorila o slovenski narodno-zabavni glasbi, kot po drugi sv...
This paper contains a brief overview of the present state of research on various aspects of sacred m...
The main aim of this paper is to re-examine the modalities of Béla Bartók’s influence as a composer ...
During the course of my continuing research into the music of Serbia, it was drawn to my attent...
After obtaining the status of free port under the Austrian administration (1719), Trieste was transf...
Analyses of selected works are used to re-examine the stylistic orientation of Slovenian music betwe...
Zborsko pjevanje predstavlja umjetnost koja na više načina izgrađuje pojedinca; razvija njegove glaz...
The article examines the musical performance activities of the pianist, teacher, conductor and music...