Audio quality evaluation by experienced and inexperienced listeners

  • Schinkel-Bielefeld, N.
  • Lotze, N.
  • Nagel, F.
Publication date
January 2013


Basic perceptual quality of coded audio material is commonly evaluated using ITU-R BS-1534 MUSHRA (Multi Stimulus with Hidden Reference and Anchors) listening tests. MUSHRA guidelines call for experienced listeners. However, the majority of consumers using the final product are no expert-listeners. Also the degree of expertise in a listening test may vary amongst listeners in the same laboratory. It would be useful to know how the audio quality evaluation differs between trained and untrained listeners and how training and actual tests should be designed in order to be as reliable as possible. To investigate the rating differences between experts and non-experts, we performed MUSHRA listening tests with 13 experienced and 11 inexperienced l...

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