Latar belakang: Kelas ibu hamil merupakan sarana untuk belajar bersama yang membahas materi buku KIA berupa tatap muka dalam kelompok yang diikuti oleh ibu-ibu hamil dengan umur kehamilan antara 20-32 minggu yang didampingi oleh suami/keluarga, serta difasilitasi oleh bidan/tenaga kesehatan dengan jumlah peserta maksimal 10 orang. Salah satu materi kelas ibu hamil adalah senam hamil yang bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan fisik dan mental ibu dalam menghadapi dan mempersiapkan persalinan cepat, aman dan spontan. Namun, masih banyak ibu hamil yang belum mengerti dan menyadari bahwa latihan senam hamil yang diajarkan dalam kelas ibu hamil berguna untuk proses persalinan yang lebih baik dibandingkan ibu hamil yang tidak melakukann senam hamil. Di b...
During pregnancy, the mother experiences physical and psychological/emotional changes in the pregnan...
Currently, maternal and child health education is generally still carried out through counseling, in...
Background: The class for pregnant women is an opportunity for pregnant women and their families to ...
Pregnancy exercise is a way that supports ease of delivery. Pregnancy exercise aims to prepare and t...
Pregnancy exercise is exercise that is done to prepare and train the muscles so that they can be use...
In pregnant women is needed body healthy and fit, pursued by eating regular, adequate rest and exerc...
Backgound : The mortality rate of pregnant, maternity and postpartum women in Riau Province increase...
Pregnant gymnastics is gymnastics carried out during pregnancy with the aim of preparing the physica...
Government efforts to accelerate the reduction of Maternal Mortality and Infant Mortality Rate by in...
Pregnancy exercise is one of the activities in health services during pregnancy (prenatal care) that...
Class of pregnant women is a means to learn together about the health of pregnant women in the form ...
Pregnancy is a change in physiology that is special for a woman as a prospective mother and is also ...
Childbirth is a physiological process that is experienced by pregnant women in which the baby, place...
Maternal mortality rates occur because of complications of pregnancy or childbirth is hemorrhage, in...
Analysis of factors related to the implementation of pregnant gymnastics in purwokerto western regio...
During pregnancy, the mother experiences physical and psychological/emotional changes in the pregnan...
Currently, maternal and child health education is generally still carried out through counseling, in...
Background: The class for pregnant women is an opportunity for pregnant women and their families to ...
Pregnancy exercise is a way that supports ease of delivery. Pregnancy exercise aims to prepare and t...
Pregnancy exercise is exercise that is done to prepare and train the muscles so that they can be use...
In pregnant women is needed body healthy and fit, pursued by eating regular, adequate rest and exerc...
Backgound : The mortality rate of pregnant, maternity and postpartum women in Riau Province increase...
Pregnant gymnastics is gymnastics carried out during pregnancy with the aim of preparing the physica...
Government efforts to accelerate the reduction of Maternal Mortality and Infant Mortality Rate by in...
Pregnancy exercise is one of the activities in health services during pregnancy (prenatal care) that...
Class of pregnant women is a means to learn together about the health of pregnant women in the form ...
Pregnancy is a change in physiology that is special for a woman as a prospective mother and is also ...
Childbirth is a physiological process that is experienced by pregnant women in which the baby, place...
Maternal mortality rates occur because of complications of pregnancy or childbirth is hemorrhage, in...
Analysis of factors related to the implementation of pregnant gymnastics in purwokerto western regio...
During pregnancy, the mother experiences physical and psychological/emotional changes in the pregnan...
Currently, maternal and child health education is generally still carried out through counseling, in...
Background: The class for pregnant women is an opportunity for pregnant women and their families to ...