Briant (Bry) Stringham visits with Hugh Colton who is seated on his horse. Mr. Stringham and Hugh Colton are both prominent men in the community. Briant H. Stringham was born to Philip and Caroline Crouch Stringham on April 2, 1889. He married Catherine Marie Chipman in 1912. Briant was a sheepman. He was mayor of Vernal 1941-1947, a state representative from 1941-1945, and a state senator from 1952 to 1960. He was credited with efforts in State School Lunch, State Land Board, State Road Commission, Leota and Wildlife Refuge Act. He was an influential factor in the Central Utah Water Conservancy District and chaired the 21 Utah Counties Committee and was instrumental in developing the Central Utah Project. He was awarded countless awards an...