Kesehatan reproduksi remaja didefinisikan sebagai kondisi sehat dari sistem, fungsi dan proses organ reproduksi yang dimiliki oleh remaja, yaitu laki-laki dan perempuan usia 10-19 tahun dan belum menikah. Kurangnya pengetahuan tentang kesehatan reproduksi tentunya akan berdampak pada sikap yang tidak peduli terhadap kesehatan reproduksnya. khususnya terkait kesehatan reproduksi. Remaja baik laki-laki maupun perempuan mengalami berbagai masalah terkait kesehatan reproduksi seperti kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan (KTD), penyakit menular seksual (PMS) termasuk infeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), hal ini disebabkan salah satunya karena kurangnya pengetahuan dan sikap peduli terhadap kesehatan reproduksinya. Tujuan dalam intervensi kegia...
Survei yang dilakukan oleh WHO adanya informasi yang membaik dan benar, dapat menurunkan permasalan ...
Knowledge about reproductive health and generation planning is one of the important things for teena...
Adolescent reproductive and sexuality health in Indonesia is still low, this can be seen from the ma...
ABSTRAKMasa remaja merupakan masa peralihan antara masa anak-anak dan masa dewasa. Masa remaja merup...
Masa remaja menjadi masa yang paling rawan dalam setiap kehidupan manusia, karena dimasa ini merupak...
ABSTRAKKurangnya pengetahuan, informasi tentang seks serta persepsi remaja mengenai seluk beluk seks...
Abstract: Adolescence is characterized by growth, development, and the emergence of opportunities to...
Abstract: Adolescence is characterized by growth, development, and the emergence of opportunities to...
Abstract: Adolescence is characterized by growth, development, and the emergence of opportunities to...
Adolescence is an important period that requires proper knowledge about reproductive health to avoid...
The purpose of this study is analyze the development of behaviour of adolescent health reproduction,...
Reproductive health is a topic that needs to be known in adolescents because there is a critical per...
The most prominent problems in adolescents related to their growth and development are sexuality, th...
The most prominent problems in adolescents related to their growth and development are sexuality, th...
Problem about free sex, HIV/AIDS and sexual transmitted infection is due to minimum knowledge in ado...
Survei yang dilakukan oleh WHO adanya informasi yang membaik dan benar, dapat menurunkan permasalan ...
Knowledge about reproductive health and generation planning is one of the important things for teena...
Adolescent reproductive and sexuality health in Indonesia is still low, this can be seen from the ma...
ABSTRAKMasa remaja merupakan masa peralihan antara masa anak-anak dan masa dewasa. Masa remaja merup...
Masa remaja menjadi masa yang paling rawan dalam setiap kehidupan manusia, karena dimasa ini merupak...
ABSTRAKKurangnya pengetahuan, informasi tentang seks serta persepsi remaja mengenai seluk beluk seks...
Abstract: Adolescence is characterized by growth, development, and the emergence of opportunities to...
Abstract: Adolescence is characterized by growth, development, and the emergence of opportunities to...
Abstract: Adolescence is characterized by growth, development, and the emergence of opportunities to...
Adolescence is an important period that requires proper knowledge about reproductive health to avoid...
The purpose of this study is analyze the development of behaviour of adolescent health reproduction,...
Reproductive health is a topic that needs to be known in adolescents because there is a critical per...
The most prominent problems in adolescents related to their growth and development are sexuality, th...
The most prominent problems in adolescents related to their growth and development are sexuality, th...
Problem about free sex, HIV/AIDS and sexual transmitted infection is due to minimum knowledge in ado...
Survei yang dilakukan oleh WHO adanya informasi yang membaik dan benar, dapat menurunkan permasalan ...
Knowledge about reproductive health and generation planning is one of the important things for teena...
Adolescent reproductive and sexuality health in Indonesia is still low, this can be seen from the ma...