EBBE+FLOW is an exchange exhibition; touring in its own wooden chest filled with artworks and images connecting Norway and Scotland. It features work from nine artists – Marit Tunestveit Dyre, Rhona Fleming, Sarah Jost, David Lemm, Jon Macleod, Randi Annie Strand, Calum Wallis and co-curators David Faithfull and Imi Maufe.It stems from time spent by the artists on two (w)ORD residencies together, on Mull in 2018, and at Tjuvika in Gulen, Norway in 2019. The exhibition captures, in its form and configuration, the essence of the drifting cultural and nautical exchanges between two lands across the North Sea, both historically and today; the ebb and flow of tides, people and objects between Norway and Scotland, following the weather and the ti...