Surgical and anaesthetic intervention associated with day surgery over the last 10 years has greatly improved although the position of psychological preparation has remained virtually unchanged [Ridgeway V, Mathews A. Brit J Clin Psychol 1982;21(4):271–80; Salmon P. Clin Psychol Rev 1992;12(7):681–704; Jarrett PEM. Surgery 1997;15(4):94–6]. Information provision, an essential component of anxiety management, has recently been highlighted as a considerable problem for day surgery patients [Mitchell MJ. Ambul Surg 1999a;7(2):65–73; Mitchell MJ. Ambul Surg 1999b;7(2):75–100]. Contemporary evidence has suggested that the ability to cope with a stressful event can be improved if the preparatory information is matched with the individual’s coping...