Postcard Written by Wallace E. Brahmer to the Bryant College Service Club Dated June 15, 1943

  • Brahmer, Wallace E.
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Publication date
June 1943
Bryant Digital Repository


[Transcription begins] THE BRYANT SERVICE CLUBsends you this little gift so that you may know we think of you and our best wishes are with you wherever you may go. Please acknowledge receipt of this package, so that we may know we have your correct address. When we have not heard from you in a reasonable length of time, we infer that the package has not gone to the correct address and we hesitate to send any more packages to that address. Please acknowledge to THE BRYANT SERVICE CLUB, not to any individual member of the Faculty or Staff or to any student. (over) 6/15/43Bryant Service Clubc/o Bryant CollegeProvidence, Rhode IslandDear Gang: The two flat fifty Camel Packs reached me in fine shape having been forwarded to me by my folks. you h...

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