Spatial undergrowth species composition in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) in West Sumatra

  • Germer, Jörn Uwe
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Publication date
January 2003
Fakultät Agrarwissenschaften. Institut für Pflanzenproduktion und Agrarökologie in den Tropen und Subtropen


The area planted to oil palm expanded during the last decades substantially, making it become the world's second most important oil crop. Despite its economic significance the oil palm remains remarkably unknown. Little attention is paid also to the oil palm undergrowth, though important in stabilizing the agro-ecosystem in plantations. Comprehensive knowledge of undergrowth species adapted to specific ecological niches in oil palm plantations is essential to investigate their function in and potential benefit to the oil palm agro-ecosystem. The objectives of the conducted research were to develop a reproducible approach for phytosociological investigation in oil palm plantations and to accomplish a general inventory of the vascular plants ...

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