SAMMANFATTNING Studiens syfte var att undersöka om det förekommer könsdiskriminering mot fäder i vårdnadstvister. Frågeställningar och syften som användes var: (1) Att undersöka om könsdiskriminering mot pappor i vårdnadstvister existerar. (2) Om och hur pappor upplever ett könsdiskriminerande bemötande på familjerättsenheter. För att besvara frågeställningarna användes en mixad design bestående av en kvantitativ vinjettstudie och en kvalitativ analys av texter. Vinjettstudien riktades mot familjerättssekreterare inom socialtjänsten som i sitt yrke arbetar med frågor som hanterar vårdnad, boende och umgänge i vårdnadstvister mellan två vårdnadshavare. Inom den kvalitativa delen, annonserade författarna till studien efter fäders egna uppleve...
The aim with this study was to examine how social service statement in 3 § social-judgements LVU (Sw...
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur faderskap konstruerades i vårdnad-, boende- och umgängesutr...
The aim of this study is to to look deeper into the subject of father’s rights to his child in relat...
This study aims to provide a picture of how fathers and mothers are produced in judgments regarding ...
The aim of the study is to, with a norm critical perspective, highlight how men and their parenting ...
I Sverige har normerna kring och synen på faderskap länge varit i förändring och idag både eftersträ...
This study aimed to examine how gender and gender norms influence custody, residence, and visitation...
The purpose of this study was to examine how the Swedish court reason, argues and legitmizes mothers...
Í þessari ritgerð leitast höfundur við að greina dómaframkvæmd í forsjármálum á Íslandi gegnum tí...
Hér á landi ríkir sá misskilningur að þegar foreldrar deila um forsjá barns, sé móður falin forsjá í...
This study highlights the problematic situation fathers encounter when they require help and support...
The aim of this study is to understand what type of experience the social workers in child protectio...
The purpose of this study is to examine how discourses regarding gender and parenting are produced a...
The aim of this thesis was to describe fathers ’ experiences as child protection service users, how ...
Statistiken och mäns upplevelser av vårdnadstvister antyder att mammor har flera fördelar i de vårdn...
The aim with this study was to examine how social service statement in 3 § social-judgements LVU (Sw...
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur faderskap konstruerades i vårdnad-, boende- och umgängesutr...
The aim of this study is to to look deeper into the subject of father’s rights to his child in relat...
This study aims to provide a picture of how fathers and mothers are produced in judgments regarding ...
The aim of the study is to, with a norm critical perspective, highlight how men and their parenting ...
I Sverige har normerna kring och synen på faderskap länge varit i förändring och idag både eftersträ...
This study aimed to examine how gender and gender norms influence custody, residence, and visitation...
The purpose of this study was to examine how the Swedish court reason, argues and legitmizes mothers...
Í þessari ritgerð leitast höfundur við að greina dómaframkvæmd í forsjármálum á Íslandi gegnum tí...
Hér á landi ríkir sá misskilningur að þegar foreldrar deila um forsjá barns, sé móður falin forsjá í...
This study highlights the problematic situation fathers encounter when they require help and support...
The aim of this study is to understand what type of experience the social workers in child protectio...
The purpose of this study is to examine how discourses regarding gender and parenting are produced a...
The aim of this thesis was to describe fathers ’ experiences as child protection service users, how ...
Statistiken och mäns upplevelser av vårdnadstvister antyder att mammor har flera fördelar i de vårdn...
The aim with this study was to examine how social service statement in 3 § social-judgements LVU (Sw...
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur faderskap konstruerades i vårdnad-, boende- och umgängesutr...
The aim of this study is to to look deeper into the subject of father’s rights to his child in relat...