Until large-scale fault-tolerant quantum devices become available, one has to find ways to make the most of current noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices. One possibility is to seek smaller repetitive hybrid quantum-classical tasks with higher fidelity, rather than directly pursuing large complex tasks. We present an approach in this direction in which quantum computation is supplemented by a classical result. While the presence of the supplementary classical information is helpful in and of itself, taking advantage of its anticipation also leads to a distinct type of quantum measurement, which we call anticipative. Anticipative quantum measurements lead to an improved success rate compared with cases in which quantum measurements are op...
Conditional operations on quantum states are a key part of quantum technologies, particularly quantu...
Abstract Although the environmental effects, i.e., dissipation and decoherence seem to be the strong...
In this research notebook on universal quantum computation for quantum engineers, researchers, and s...
Until large-scale fault-tolerant quantum devices become available, one has to find ways to make the ...
Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms are central to much of the current research in quantum computing...
Quantum computers can exploit a Hilbert space whose dimension increases exponentially with the numbe...
These days, research groups such as Google, Microsoft, and Rigetti are working towards fabricating q...
In this thesis, we aim to answer one research question: What is the algorithmic role of classical co...
We introduce a classical-quantum hybrid approach to computation, allowing for a quadratic performanc...
Using quantum devices supported by classical computational resources is a promising approach to quan...
We are at the interface of two hot research areas – modelling of stochastic processes with causal mo...
The accurate and efficient simulation of many body systems has been a long-standing challenge for qu...
Quantum computation offers a promising new kind of information processing, where the non-classical f...
Quantum measurement is a fundamental cornerstone of experimental quantum computations. The main issu...
We show that quantum-to-classical channels, i.e., quantum measurements, can be asymptotically simula...
Conditional operations on quantum states are a key part of quantum technologies, particularly quantu...
Abstract Although the environmental effects, i.e., dissipation and decoherence seem to be the strong...
In this research notebook on universal quantum computation for quantum engineers, researchers, and s...
Until large-scale fault-tolerant quantum devices become available, one has to find ways to make the ...
Hybrid quantum-classical algorithms are central to much of the current research in quantum computing...
Quantum computers can exploit a Hilbert space whose dimension increases exponentially with the numbe...
These days, research groups such as Google, Microsoft, and Rigetti are working towards fabricating q...
In this thesis, we aim to answer one research question: What is the algorithmic role of classical co...
We introduce a classical-quantum hybrid approach to computation, allowing for a quadratic performanc...
Using quantum devices supported by classical computational resources is a promising approach to quan...
We are at the interface of two hot research areas – modelling of stochastic processes with causal mo...
The accurate and efficient simulation of many body systems has been a long-standing challenge for qu...
Quantum computation offers a promising new kind of information processing, where the non-classical f...
Quantum measurement is a fundamental cornerstone of experimental quantum computations. The main issu...
We show that quantum-to-classical channels, i.e., quantum measurements, can be asymptotically simula...
Conditional operations on quantum states are a key part of quantum technologies, particularly quantu...
Abstract Although the environmental effects, i.e., dissipation and decoherence seem to be the strong...
In this research notebook on universal quantum computation for quantum engineers, researchers, and s...