Developmental changes in enzymes involved in the conversion of hexose phosphate and its subsequent metabolites during early tuberization of potato

  • Appeldoorn, N.J.G.
  • Bruijn, S.M., de
  • Koot-Gronsveld, E.A.M.
  • Visser, R.G.F.
  • Vreugdenhil, D.
  • Plas, L.H.W., van der
Publication date
January 1999
Citation count (estimate)


A highly synchronized in vitro tuberization system, based on single-node cuttings containing an axillary bud, was used to investigate the activity patterns of enzymes involved in the conversion of hexose phosphates and related products during stolon-to-tuber transition of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). At tuberization the activity of enzymes involved in glycolysis and the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway (OPPP) showed a small but clear increase. This increase reflects a higher capacity of respiratory(-related) metabolism, presumably due to the onset of rapid cell division in the apical part of the tuberizing stolon. During the phase of successive tuber growth these enzymes decreased in activity, suggesting that the concomitant massive st...

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