The present study examined, at identical daily nutrient intakes, the impact of separating protein and lactose intakes across two daily meals on the metabolic and endocrine status in heavy veal calves. Calves were assigned to one of six degrees of separating protein and lactose over the two meals (termed nutrient synchrony, SYN 1-6; 6 calves/treatment). They were fed the protein-rich (P-)meal and the lactose-rich (L-)meal at 06:00 and 18:00h, respectively, or vice versa. At SYN 1, calves were fed with 50% of the daily protein and 50% of the daily lactose intake in each meal. Protein and lactose were iso-energetically exchanged between the two daily meals from SYN I to 6. At SYN 6, 85% of the daily protein and 20% of the daily lactose was fed...