I.v.m. met de vraag van het ministerie aan ASG een wetenschappelijk overzicht van de welzijnsproblemen in de veehouderij op te stellen en daarbij prioriteiten voor te stellen voor de aanpak van problemen, wordt hier ingegaan op de vraag wie bepaalt wat goed dierenwelzijn is. In maatschappelijk beladen discussies wordt vaak van de wetenschap het verlossende woord verwacht, maar de vraag is of dat wel terecht isWho determines what counts as proper animal welfare? There is a widespread expectation that science will deliver a decisive verdict in highly-charged social controversies; but are such expectations justified? The "animal sciences" perspective on animal welfare is certainly significant, but it is not the only viewpoint. Human perspectiv...
Animal sentience research cannot be divorced from its ethical and political implications. For exampl...
Animal welfare is of increasing importance in livestock production and consumption debates. However,...
A focus on animal welfare in the use of nonhuman animals in the service of human economic and scient...
Who determines what counts as proper animal welfare? There is a widespread expectation that science ...
The definition of animal welfare and its application is intertwined with ethical concerns. The diffe...
In 1886 the Criminal Code first came into effect. It stipulated, in article 254, that maltreatment o...
The general concept of animal welfare embraces a continuum between negative/bad welfare and positive...
Inaugural lecture by Prof.dr.ir. J.-B. Prins on the acceptance of his position as professor of Lab...
Farm animal welfare has become an important issue for the European public, especially in the last tw...
In the social debate about animal welfare we can identify three different views about how animals sh...
In debates about the welfare of animals, different people have tended to emphasize different concern...
Scheiden van jonge dieren van hun ouder(s) kan welzijnsproblemen veroorzaken, als dat op een onjuist...
In debates about the welfare of animals, different people have tended to emphasize different concern...
In this paper the results are presented of a national survey in the Netherlands. The aim was to iden...
Veterinarians have obligations towards both the animals they treat and their clients, the owners of ...
Animal sentience research cannot be divorced from its ethical and political implications. For exampl...
Animal welfare is of increasing importance in livestock production and consumption debates. However,...
A focus on animal welfare in the use of nonhuman animals in the service of human economic and scient...
Who determines what counts as proper animal welfare? There is a widespread expectation that science ...
The definition of animal welfare and its application is intertwined with ethical concerns. The diffe...
In 1886 the Criminal Code first came into effect. It stipulated, in article 254, that maltreatment o...
The general concept of animal welfare embraces a continuum between negative/bad welfare and positive...
Inaugural lecture by Prof.dr.ir. J.-B. Prins on the acceptance of his position as professor of Lab...
Farm animal welfare has become an important issue for the European public, especially in the last tw...
In the social debate about animal welfare we can identify three different views about how animals sh...
In debates about the welfare of animals, different people have tended to emphasize different concern...
Scheiden van jonge dieren van hun ouder(s) kan welzijnsproblemen veroorzaken, als dat op een onjuist...
In debates about the welfare of animals, different people have tended to emphasize different concern...
In this paper the results are presented of a national survey in the Netherlands. The aim was to iden...
Veterinarians have obligations towards both the animals they treat and their clients, the owners of ...
Animal sentience research cannot be divorced from its ethical and political implications. For exampl...
Animal welfare is of increasing importance in livestock production and consumption debates. However,...
A focus on animal welfare in the use of nonhuman animals in the service of human economic and scient...