In the Voorsterbos, a planted woodland on a former sea-floor (the Netherlands), artificial gaps within stands of Fagus sylvatica on boulder clay were monitored for five or six years after cutting. Ten fern species and three species of horsetail established in these gaps, with Dryopteris cristata, Thelypteris palustris, Matteuccia struthiopteris and Equisetum telmateia not previously known from the Voorsterbos. Athyrium filix-femina was most successful and formed dense stands in some gaps. Two species (Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Dryopteris cristata) established but have since disappeared. Thelypteris palustris has built up a sustainable population. It seems plausible that the germination of ferns and horsetails took place during the first seas...
Vegetation and soil seed banks of a threatened Atlantic fen meadow community were studied using rece...
Species pool theory claims that diaspore and microsite availability limit species richness in plant ...
For 312 forest patches on sandy soils in the Netherlands, effects of fragmentation are studied of fo...
In the Voorsterbos, a planted woodland on a former sea-floor (the Netherlands), artificial gaps with...
Browsing by dense (\u3e3–6 deer/km2) populations of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) remov...
A study was conducted to analyse the effect of habitat productivity on woody species colonisation. T...
Ecology, syntaxonomy and population size of Gymnocarpium dryopteris have been studied, especially du...
Woodland communities can be restored by natural succession in sites adjoining ancient woodlands whic...
Fen landscapes in The Netherlands are characterised by high biodiversity. Especially the ponds that ...
Establishing mixed-species tree plantings and fencing them to protect seedlings from herbivory is a ...
A study was conducted to analyse the effect of habitat productivity on woody species colonisation. T...
The Overijsselse Hout, a deciduous forest planted twenty years ago on the outskirts of Lelystad, a t...
Bracken fern ( Pteridium aquilinum ) causes stagnation in forest succession in many parts of the wor...
The soil seed bank composition was determined at four sites in the dune slack 'Koegelwieck' on the D...
There have been few systematic experimental studies testing different restoration techniques in vary...
Vegetation and soil seed banks of a threatened Atlantic fen meadow community were studied using rece...
Species pool theory claims that diaspore and microsite availability limit species richness in plant ...
For 312 forest patches on sandy soils in the Netherlands, effects of fragmentation are studied of fo...
In the Voorsterbos, a planted woodland on a former sea-floor (the Netherlands), artificial gaps with...
Browsing by dense (\u3e3–6 deer/km2) populations of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) remov...
A study was conducted to analyse the effect of habitat productivity on woody species colonisation. T...
Ecology, syntaxonomy and population size of Gymnocarpium dryopteris have been studied, especially du...
Woodland communities can be restored by natural succession in sites adjoining ancient woodlands whic...
Fen landscapes in The Netherlands are characterised by high biodiversity. Especially the ponds that ...
Establishing mixed-species tree plantings and fencing them to protect seedlings from herbivory is a ...
A study was conducted to analyse the effect of habitat productivity on woody species colonisation. T...
The Overijsselse Hout, a deciduous forest planted twenty years ago on the outskirts of Lelystad, a t...
Bracken fern ( Pteridium aquilinum ) causes stagnation in forest succession in many parts of the wor...
The soil seed bank composition was determined at four sites in the dune slack 'Koegelwieck' on the D...
There have been few systematic experimental studies testing different restoration techniques in vary...
Vegetation and soil seed banks of a threatened Atlantic fen meadow community were studied using rece...
Species pool theory claims that diaspore and microsite availability limit species richness in plant ...
For 312 forest patches on sandy soils in the Netherlands, effects of fragmentation are studied of fo...