This report contains the results of the ongoing monitoring programme on the incidental bycatch of cetaceans in Dutch pelagic fisheries in 2010. EU Council Regulation 812/2004 requires observer coverage in ICES areas VI, VII and VIII in the period 1 December – 31 March (fleet segment LND003 and NLD005) and outside this area in all areas year round (fleet segment LND004 and NLD006). In the Dutch situation the monitoring is integrated with the collection of discards data under the EC Data Collection Regulations 1543/2000 and 1639/2001
Commission Decision of 25 February 2016 setting up a Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee fo...
Incidental captures (bycatch) remain a key global conservation threat for cetaceans. Bycatch of harb...
The WKBYC workshop was held to address three advice requests from the European Commission to the Wor...
This report contains the results of the ongoing monitoring programme on the incidental bycatch of ce...
This report contains the results of the on-going monitoring programme on the incidental bycatch of c...
This report contains the results of the ongoing monitoring programme on the incidental bycatch of ce...
This report summarises ongoing work on the implementation of Council Regulation 812/2004 during the ...
Under Council Regulation (EC) Nº 812/2004, Member States are required to design and implement at-sea...
9 pagesThe European Commission introduced infringement proceedings against the Netherlands for cetac...
The Working Group on Bycatch of Protected Species (WGBYC) met in Copenhagen at ICES headquarters bet...
Dit rapport bevat de resultaten van het doorlopende waarnemersprogramma naar de bijvangst van dolfij...
Dit rapport bevat de resultaten van het doorlopende waarnemerprogramma naar de bijvangst van dolfijn...
ICES Annual Science Conference 2023, 11–14 September 2023, Bilbao, SpainSeveral European fisheries h...
Poster.-- ICES Annual Science Conference 2023, 11–14 September 2023, Bilbao, SpainThe first year of ...
Poster.-- ICES Annual Science Conference 2023, 11–14 September 2023, Bilbao, SpainMitigation measure...
Commission Decision of 25 February 2016 setting up a Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee fo...
Incidental captures (bycatch) remain a key global conservation threat for cetaceans. Bycatch of harb...
The WKBYC workshop was held to address three advice requests from the European Commission to the Wor...
This report contains the results of the ongoing monitoring programme on the incidental bycatch of ce...
This report contains the results of the on-going monitoring programme on the incidental bycatch of c...
This report contains the results of the ongoing monitoring programme on the incidental bycatch of ce...
This report summarises ongoing work on the implementation of Council Regulation 812/2004 during the ...
Under Council Regulation (EC) Nº 812/2004, Member States are required to design and implement at-sea...
9 pagesThe European Commission introduced infringement proceedings against the Netherlands for cetac...
The Working Group on Bycatch of Protected Species (WGBYC) met in Copenhagen at ICES headquarters bet...
Dit rapport bevat de resultaten van het doorlopende waarnemersprogramma naar de bijvangst van dolfij...
Dit rapport bevat de resultaten van het doorlopende waarnemerprogramma naar de bijvangst van dolfijn...
ICES Annual Science Conference 2023, 11–14 September 2023, Bilbao, SpainSeveral European fisheries h...
Poster.-- ICES Annual Science Conference 2023, 11–14 September 2023, Bilbao, SpainThe first year of ...
Poster.-- ICES Annual Science Conference 2023, 11–14 September 2023, Bilbao, SpainMitigation measure...
Commission Decision of 25 February 2016 setting up a Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee fo...
Incidental captures (bycatch) remain a key global conservation threat for cetaceans. Bycatch of harb...
The WKBYC workshop was held to address three advice requests from the European Commission to the Wor...