Performance requirements in high end microprocessors have increased tremendously in the last several years, leading to higher I/O counts and interconnect densities. As greater currents pass through the microprocessor interconnect, higher temperatures driven by Joule heating are expected to pose reliability risks to high pin count microprocessor sockets. In this study Joule heating and its effect on the reliability of stamped metal land grid array (LGA) sockets was investigated using a combination of experimental and numerical methods. A methodology to determine socket temperature environments under electrical loading was developed. Knowledge of socket operating temperatures can allow original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and socket manufa...
The increasing numbers of amputees due to insurgence actions in Iraq urges the researches to conduct...
Partial discharges are one of the main causes for what concerns the degradation of the electrical ma...
Thermal modeling and temperature assessment of electrical machines often rely on the use of lumped-p...
Integrated Circuit (IC) sockets provide hundreds to thousands of electrical interconnects in enterpr...
Integrated Circuit (IC) sockets provide hundreds to thousands of electrical interconnects in enterpr...
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer ...
The objective of this research is twofold: first, to evaluate if the microscale Joule heating theory...
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology has been evolving for about two decades and, now it...
Portable devices are exposed to different kind of loadings during their daily use. These devices ar...
This thesis research investigates thermal performance, parasitic extraction and wirebond/encapsulati...
Temperature cycling tests are standard industry practice for determining the thermomechanical fatigu...
Solder joints have been an integral part of any electronic assembly. They serve as both the electric...
At high-temperature operations of electronic control devices, Tin-Silver-Copper (SnAgCu) alloy solde...
Thermal cycling durability of Plastic ball grid array (PBGA) interconnects is known to decrease as I...
People’s living today is much enriched by electronic products: computers, mobile phones, LCD TVs, di...
The increasing numbers of amputees due to insurgence actions in Iraq urges the researches to conduct...
Partial discharges are one of the main causes for what concerns the degradation of the electrical ma...
Thermal modeling and temperature assessment of electrical machines often rely on the use of lumped-p...
Integrated Circuit (IC) sockets provide hundreds to thousands of electrical interconnects in enterpr...
Integrated Circuit (IC) sockets provide hundreds to thousands of electrical interconnects in enterpr...
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer ...
The objective of this research is twofold: first, to evaluate if the microscale Joule heating theory...
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology has been evolving for about two decades and, now it...
Portable devices are exposed to different kind of loadings during their daily use. These devices ar...
This thesis research investigates thermal performance, parasitic extraction and wirebond/encapsulati...
Temperature cycling tests are standard industry practice for determining the thermomechanical fatigu...
Solder joints have been an integral part of any electronic assembly. They serve as both the electric...
At high-temperature operations of electronic control devices, Tin-Silver-Copper (SnAgCu) alloy solde...
Thermal cycling durability of Plastic ball grid array (PBGA) interconnects is known to decrease as I...
People’s living today is much enriched by electronic products: computers, mobile phones, LCD TVs, di...
The increasing numbers of amputees due to insurgence actions in Iraq urges the researches to conduct...
Partial discharges are one of the main causes for what concerns the degradation of the electrical ma...
Thermal modeling and temperature assessment of electrical machines often rely on the use of lumped-p...