Photonic or optical logic holds the promise of ultra-fast logic circuits with capability for speeds beyond what is possible using conventional silicon electronics. However, the jump from theory to practice has a high barrier set by critical issues such as integration, scalability and power requirements. Optical micro-resonator based schemes have the potential of addressing some of these issues. This thesis focuses on the development of active InGaAsP/InP microdisk and microring optical resonators to lower that barrier a little. Microrings and disks provide a compact and cascadable device platform to achieve resonance enhancement of optical non-linearity. By incorporating gain in such devices, the optical power needed for carrying out switc...
The past decade has seen a significant amount of academic and industrial research into interconnect ...
A method for suspending micro-ring resonators in a silicon-on-insulator substrate was developed. Due...
The requirement for high performance computer will be significantly increased by the fast developmen...
In this thesis we have demonstrated the cascading of two photonic AND logic gates by using two symme...
The performance increase in telecommunication and computing systems demands an ever increasing input...
We propose a p-i-n diode embedded parallel triple microring resonator (MRR) configuration to simulta...
Silicon-based integrated photonics and optoelectronics have attracted recent substantial research an...
We demonstrate a scheme for microring resonators to operate as standing-wave resonators while elimin...
Micro-ring resonators are a strong candidate for the basic building blocks of very-large-scale-integ...
A microring resonator is a realization of Fabry-Perot etalon in planar technology. The cavity mode o...
Silicon is incredibly well-studied as an electronic material. Since the out-migration of William Noy...
In this thesis, we study silicon-based polygonal microdisk resonators with laterally coupled wavegui...
In the last few years, there has been a great interest in all-optical switching devices due to the h...
Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) at optical carrier frequencies offers more capacity and flexi...
Optical resonators have micrometer size dimensions and come mostly in two flavors, namely circular a...
The past decade has seen a significant amount of academic and industrial research into interconnect ...
A method for suspending micro-ring resonators in a silicon-on-insulator substrate was developed. Due...
The requirement for high performance computer will be significantly increased by the fast developmen...
In this thesis we have demonstrated the cascading of two photonic AND logic gates by using two symme...
The performance increase in telecommunication and computing systems demands an ever increasing input...
We propose a p-i-n diode embedded parallel triple microring resonator (MRR) configuration to simulta...
Silicon-based integrated photonics and optoelectronics have attracted recent substantial research an...
We demonstrate a scheme for microring resonators to operate as standing-wave resonators while elimin...
Micro-ring resonators are a strong candidate for the basic building blocks of very-large-scale-integ...
A microring resonator is a realization of Fabry-Perot etalon in planar technology. The cavity mode o...
Silicon is incredibly well-studied as an electronic material. Since the out-migration of William Noy...
In this thesis, we study silicon-based polygonal microdisk resonators with laterally coupled wavegui...
In the last few years, there has been a great interest in all-optical switching devices due to the h...
Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) at optical carrier frequencies offers more capacity and flexi...
Optical resonators have micrometer size dimensions and come mostly in two flavors, namely circular a...
The past decade has seen a significant amount of academic and industrial research into interconnect ...
A method for suspending micro-ring resonators in a silicon-on-insulator substrate was developed. Due...
The requirement for high performance computer will be significantly increased by the fast developmen...