In this dissertation new applications of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) are investigated. When a powerful laser beam is focused to a high enough fluence breakdown occurs and a hot, short-lived plasma is formed. In the first part of this dissertation, an experimental study of laser plasmas generated in air and argon is presented. The breakdown is investigated starting from the formation of the plasma, through the subsequent phase of adiabatic expansion, until the final decay. The results are interpreted on the basis of an hydrodynamic model that describes the plasma as a strong shock wave propagating through the fluid. Simple dimensional and energy considerations allow derivation of the general scaling laws that govern the regim...
Laser-induced breakdown is used for quantitative gas property measurements (gas density and ethylene...
The laser irradiation have shown a range of applications from fabricating, melting, and evaporating ...
The applicability of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) toward greater than atmospheric den...
(LIBS) are investigated. When a powerful laser beam is focused to a high enough fluence breakdown oc...
Laser-induced micro-plasma dynamics are investigated in laboratory air, ultra-high-pure hydrogen gas...
International audienceLaser-induced plasmas can be used to determine the multi-elemental composition...
The current research reports gas composition measurements, based on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectros...
Laser Shock Processing (LSP) is based on the application of a high intensity pulsed Laser beam ( I >...
In this work, two laser-induced plasma techniques are used for gas-phase chemical and temperature me...
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been invented for more than 50 years, which analyzes...
Plasma properties such as the density of the various species present in the plasma and the temperatu...
The Stark broadening of hydrogen Balmer α line is often measured in Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectros...
Recently prepulse techniques such as dual-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (DP-LIBS) have ...
Improved spectral resolutions were achieved in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) through g...
This dissertation focuses on laser-induced plasma of diatomic molecular cyanide. Optical breakdown p...
Laser-induced breakdown is used for quantitative gas property measurements (gas density and ethylene...
The laser irradiation have shown a range of applications from fabricating, melting, and evaporating ...
The applicability of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) toward greater than atmospheric den...
(LIBS) are investigated. When a powerful laser beam is focused to a high enough fluence breakdown oc...
Laser-induced micro-plasma dynamics are investigated in laboratory air, ultra-high-pure hydrogen gas...
International audienceLaser-induced plasmas can be used to determine the multi-elemental composition...
The current research reports gas composition measurements, based on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectros...
Laser Shock Processing (LSP) is based on the application of a high intensity pulsed Laser beam ( I >...
In this work, two laser-induced plasma techniques are used for gas-phase chemical and temperature me...
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been invented for more than 50 years, which analyzes...
Plasma properties such as the density of the various species present in the plasma and the temperatu...
The Stark broadening of hydrogen Balmer α line is often measured in Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectros...
Recently prepulse techniques such as dual-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (DP-LIBS) have ...
Improved spectral resolutions were achieved in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) through g...
This dissertation focuses on laser-induced plasma of diatomic molecular cyanide. Optical breakdown p...
Laser-induced breakdown is used for quantitative gas property measurements (gas density and ethylene...
The laser irradiation have shown a range of applications from fabricating, melting, and evaporating ...
The applicability of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) toward greater than atmospheric den...