Power semiconductor devices are used in a wide range of applications. In these applications, power semiconductor devices are required to handle large currents and as a result they tend to dissipate large amounts of heat. In addition, the device and their attendant packages must be capable of withstanding power cycling for many years. Traditionally, devices have used high lead die attaches for high electrical and thermal conductivity. Now, with the drive in industry to replace lead-contained solder with lead-free solder alternatives, there is a drive to assess lead-free solder to use as the die attach in power device packages. This dissertation assesses the reliability of Sn3.5Ag0.8Cu lead-free die attach under accelerated power cycling cond...
Solder joints on printed circuit boards provide electrical and mechanical connections between electr...
Solder joints play a very important role in electronic products as the integrity of electronics pack...
The three different die attach technologies soldering, silver sintering and transient liquid phase b...
The reliability of portable electronic devices was studied by applying standardized test procedures ...
Solder joints in electronic packages provide mechanical, electrical and thermal connections. Hence, ...
This paper primarily focuses on an evaluation study for the temperature cycling capability of tin si...
13.5 mm × 13.5 mm sintered nano-silver attachments for power devices onto AlN substrates were prepar...
The integration and miniaturization trend of the electronic packaging leads to much finer pitch of t...
The power cycling reliability of flexible printed circuit board (PCB) interconnect smaller/thinner (...
This study investigates the reliability of SnPb and SnAg solder joints in semiconductor packages sub...
13.5 mm × 13.5 mm sintered nano-silver attachments for power devices onto AlN substrates were prepar...
The European Union Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE) and Restriction of Haz...
In electronic packaging, the reliability of the interconnection changes with the surface finish and ...
Electronic circuit boards can experience rapid loading through shock or vibration events during thei...
Lead-free solders have replaced tin-lead solders in electronic products due to European Union laws o...
Solder joints on printed circuit boards provide electrical and mechanical connections between electr...
Solder joints play a very important role in electronic products as the integrity of electronics pack...
The three different die attach technologies soldering, silver sintering and transient liquid phase b...
The reliability of portable electronic devices was studied by applying standardized test procedures ...
Solder joints in electronic packages provide mechanical, electrical and thermal connections. Hence, ...
This paper primarily focuses on an evaluation study for the temperature cycling capability of tin si...
13.5 mm × 13.5 mm sintered nano-silver attachments for power devices onto AlN substrates were prepar...
The integration and miniaturization trend of the electronic packaging leads to much finer pitch of t...
The power cycling reliability of flexible printed circuit board (PCB) interconnect smaller/thinner (...
This study investigates the reliability of SnPb and SnAg solder joints in semiconductor packages sub...
13.5 mm × 13.5 mm sintered nano-silver attachments for power devices onto AlN substrates were prepar...
The European Union Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE) and Restriction of Haz...
In electronic packaging, the reliability of the interconnection changes with the surface finish and ...
Electronic circuit boards can experience rapid loading through shock or vibration events during thei...
Lead-free solders have replaced tin-lead solders in electronic products due to European Union laws o...
Solder joints on printed circuit boards provide electrical and mechanical connections between electr...
Solder joints play a very important role in electronic products as the integrity of electronics pack...
The three different die attach technologies soldering, silver sintering and transient liquid phase b...