Weng Youwei 翁有为, Jindai Zhongguo zhi bianzhou: Junfa huayu jiangou, shengzhi biange yu guojia 近代中国之变轴:军阀话语建构、省制变革与国家 (The Axis of Change in Modern China: The Construction of the Discourse on Warlordism, the Reform of the Provincial System, and the State). Beijing: Renmin chubanshe 人民出版社, 2021. ISBN 978-7-01-022952-2; 2, 19, 338 pages, 86.00 RMB. Reviewed by Clemens Büttner (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) Weng Youwei’s The Axis of Change in Modern China is a perplexing book with an elusive mes..
由潘懋元教授主编的《中国高等教育百年》一书,考察和分析了百余年间我国高等教育变革与发展的历史轨迹,其结构新颖,内容丰富,采撷菁华,分析入理,是学习和研究中国高等教育史的重要参考书。The Centur...
Title: Centrifugal Empire: Central-Local Relations in China. Authors: Jae Ho Chung. Publisher: Colum...
The argument in this book is simple but non-trivial: China encountered the modern world in Japan, es...
Hu Xingliang 胡星亮: Zhongguo xiandai xiju sichao – Xiju xiandaihua yu shehui xiandaihua 中国现代戏剧思潮 —— 戏剧...
Chang Jianhua 常建华, Qing qianqi guojia zhili yu minsheng zhengce 清前期国家治理与民生政策 (Policies on Governance...
Chen Shaoming 陳少明, Mengjue zhijian: ‘Zhuangzi’ sixiang lu 夢覺之間:《莊子》思想錄 (Between Waking and Dreaming:...
The future is a hot topic in China; bookstores are full of tomes asserting the 21st century as China...
Shi Zhan 施展, Pojian: Geli, Xinren yu Weilai 破茧:隔离,信任与未来 (Breaking out of the Cocoon: Isolation, Trus...
Review of Zhōngguó xīn fāxiàn yǔyán yánjiū cóngshū 《中国新发现语言研究丛书》 [New Found Minority Languages in Ch...
Xixing, Lu: 'Shijing' yiwen yanjiu (The Study of Textual Variants of the Shijing) Hamar, Imre: A Rel...
Liangjiong·Langsa 亮炯·朗萨. 2006. Bulongde shiyan [The Oath of Bulongde]. Beijing 北京: Waiwen chubanshe ...
Chen Songchang 陳松長, Mawangdui boshu yanjiu 馬王堆帛書研究 (Studies on the Mawangdui Silk Manuscripts), Beij...
By drawing our attention to the previously unexamined question of space for student activism, Fabio ...
At the outset of the final chapter of A Critical Introduction to Mao, Jiang Yihua, a senior Chinese ...
西村成雄・国分良成『党と国家政治 : 体制の軌跡』(岩波書店、2009年); 深町英夫編『中国政治体制100年 : 何が求められてきたのか』(中央大学出版部、2009年
由潘懋元教授主编的《中国高等教育百年》一书,考察和分析了百余年间我国高等教育变革与发展的历史轨迹,其结构新颖,内容丰富,采撷菁华,分析入理,是学习和研究中国高等教育史的重要参考书。The Centur...
Title: Centrifugal Empire: Central-Local Relations in China. Authors: Jae Ho Chung. Publisher: Colum...
The argument in this book is simple but non-trivial: China encountered the modern world in Japan, es...
Hu Xingliang 胡星亮: Zhongguo xiandai xiju sichao – Xiju xiandaihua yu shehui xiandaihua 中国现代戏剧思潮 —— 戏剧...
Chang Jianhua 常建华, Qing qianqi guojia zhili yu minsheng zhengce 清前期国家治理与民生政策 (Policies on Governance...
Chen Shaoming 陳少明, Mengjue zhijian: ‘Zhuangzi’ sixiang lu 夢覺之間:《莊子》思想錄 (Between Waking and Dreaming:...
The future is a hot topic in China; bookstores are full of tomes asserting the 21st century as China...
Shi Zhan 施展, Pojian: Geli, Xinren yu Weilai 破茧:隔离,信任与未来 (Breaking out of the Cocoon: Isolation, Trus...
Review of Zhōngguó xīn fāxiàn yǔyán yánjiū cóngshū 《中国新发现语言研究丛书》 [New Found Minority Languages in Ch...
Xixing, Lu: 'Shijing' yiwen yanjiu (The Study of Textual Variants of the Shijing) Hamar, Imre: A Rel...
Liangjiong·Langsa 亮炯·朗萨. 2006. Bulongde shiyan [The Oath of Bulongde]. Beijing 北京: Waiwen chubanshe ...
Chen Songchang 陳松長, Mawangdui boshu yanjiu 馬王堆帛書研究 (Studies on the Mawangdui Silk Manuscripts), Beij...
By drawing our attention to the previously unexamined question of space for student activism, Fabio ...
At the outset of the final chapter of A Critical Introduction to Mao, Jiang Yihua, a senior Chinese ...
西村成雄・国分良成『党と国家政治 : 体制の軌跡』(岩波書店、2009年); 深町英夫編『中国政治体制100年 : 何が求められてきたのか』(中央大学出版部、2009年
由潘懋元教授主编的《中国高等教育百年》一书,考察和分析了百余年间我国高等教育变革与发展的历史轨迹,其结构新颖,内容丰富,采撷菁华,分析入理,是学习和研究中国高等教育史的重要参考书。The Centur...
Title: Centrifugal Empire: Central-Local Relations in China. Authors: Jae Ho Chung. Publisher: Colum...
The argument in this book is simple but non-trivial: China encountered the modern world in Japan, es...