Eliciting Seven Discrete Positive Emotions Using Film Stimuli

  • Bednarski, Juliana Doria
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Publication date
March 2012
Vanderbilt University Library


A thesis detailing the use of 14 film clips to elicit seven discrete positive emotions.Successful, efficacious, and reliable mood induction procedures are an important part of emotion research. Film clips have already been shown to reliably induce discrete negative emotional states, as well as general positive affect, in laboratory settings. However, there is an absence of research in eliciting discrete positive emotional states in these settings. This study attempted to elicit seven discrete positive emotional states using preselected film stimuli: joy, gratitude, awe, determination, interest, serenity, and hope. Elicitations for joy, awe, serenity, and interest were successful.Arts & SciencesPsychologyVanderbilt UniversityThesis completed...

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