Finding aid for a collection. Collection description: A small archive of correspondence, dated between 1937 and 1979, to John B. Ransom III from C.S. Lewis, Francis Robinson, Jean Stafford (Mrs. Robert Lowell), Wallace Stegner, Allen Tate, Robert Penn Warren, and Nancy Tate Wood (one letter on the death of her father, Allen Tate). A letter to Marie H. Ransom from Donald Davidson, concerning John B. Ransom's poems, is also included. Some of his poems are included with the letter. John B. Ransom, III was born Sept. 12, 1920, in Nashville, Tenn. He graduated from Wallace University School and attended Vanderbilt University from 1938 to 1940. He then transferred to the University of the South, earning a bachelor's degree in 1942. After serving ...