Despite the urgent response that climate change demands, debate over climate change policy goes round and round without showing signs that it can rest long enough for action to be taken. Meanwhile, the situation with the atmospheric commons continues to deteriorate. In a desperate attempt to constructively contribute to the climate change debate and break through the morass, this paper engages with Act or Network Theory which affords practitioners the freedom to dialogue with the non-human. The result is a transcription of an interview with The Carbon Cycle. Using the concept of the technopolitical regime, The Carbon Cycle identifies two broadly defined philosophies that humans use to frame climate change policy. The two technopolitical r...
This paper offers a structural critique of the international climate change discourse and challenges...
Abstract. Given rapidly increasing losses from extreme climate events, the world community already h...
This paper examines our understanding of climate change, as well as the reluctance of industrial soc...
Climate change is commonly understood to be an intractable political problem. It is also widely assu...
This research presents an exploration of different ways of understanding the issue of climate change...
A shift in international climate policy discourse toward a new shared narrative on the need for a ‘t...
Conflicts over environmental decisions--decisions related to how space and accompanying biological f...
Contemporary societies face various crises of sustainability related, inter alia, to consumption, re...
There is wide recognition that the dangers of climate change require urgent, large scale, and system...
Quantitative systems modelling in support of climate policy has tended to focus more on the supply s...
Climate change is representative of a general class of environmental issues where decisions have to ...
This article challenges conventional accounts of the collapse of the climate change negotiations in ...
The international climate change regime started out very constructively, but although there has been...
This thesis sets out to explore some of the key dimensions in the process of socio-technological cha...
[Excerpt] The speed and scale of human impact on the planet have, in the last few decades, reached u...
This paper offers a structural critique of the international climate change discourse and challenges...
Abstract. Given rapidly increasing losses from extreme climate events, the world community already h...
This paper examines our understanding of climate change, as well as the reluctance of industrial soc...
Climate change is commonly understood to be an intractable political problem. It is also widely assu...
This research presents an exploration of different ways of understanding the issue of climate change...
A shift in international climate policy discourse toward a new shared narrative on the need for a ‘t...
Conflicts over environmental decisions--decisions related to how space and accompanying biological f...
Contemporary societies face various crises of sustainability related, inter alia, to consumption, re...
There is wide recognition that the dangers of climate change require urgent, large scale, and system...
Quantitative systems modelling in support of climate policy has tended to focus more on the supply s...
Climate change is representative of a general class of environmental issues where decisions have to ...
This article challenges conventional accounts of the collapse of the climate change negotiations in ...
The international climate change regime started out very constructively, but although there has been...
This thesis sets out to explore some of the key dimensions in the process of socio-technological cha...
[Excerpt] The speed and scale of human impact on the planet have, in the last few decades, reached u...
This paper offers a structural critique of the international climate change discourse and challenges...
Abstract. Given rapidly increasing losses from extreme climate events, the world community already h...
This paper examines our understanding of climate change, as well as the reluctance of industrial soc...