This paper studies the effectiveness of alkaline activation of low-calcium fly ash on the improvement of residual granitic soils to be used on rammed-earth construction. Different liquid:solid ratios, alkali concentrations and Na2O : ash ratios were tested. Effect of calcium hidroxide, sodium chloride and concrete superplasticiser is also reported. Compressive strength up to 7 days at 60ºC was determined. Results show that, in terms of mechanical strength, there is an optimum value for the activator:solids ratio and the alkali concentration, and that a decrease in the Na2O:ash ratio results in strength increase. No improvement was observed with the sodium chloride or the superplasticiser, while the calcium produced only a short term increas...
An increasing interest in the development of alternative solutions based on the use of wastes and re...
In order to confront the issues related to clay for construction, some adequate ground improvement t...
Alkaline activation of fly ashes is a procedure that enables an alternative binder which has been re...
This paper studies the effectiveness of alkaline activation of low-calcium fly ash on the improvemen...
Abstract: This paper studies the effectiveness of alkaline activation of low-calcium fly ash on the ...
The improvement of geotechnical properties is often achieved by the addition of traditional binders,...
The paper addresses several options to improve the reaction kinetics of alkali-activated low-calciu...
In this paper the potential of introducing alkali activated fly ash to a clayey soil as stabilizing ...
This study addresses the use of alkali activated high-calcium fly ash-based binder to improve engine...
In the context of sustainability in the civil engineering industry, chemical ground improvement is b...
AbstractOrdinary Portland cement and lime are often used as stabilising agent for weak soil improvem...
This paper describes the research developed to evaluate the performance of stabilised residual grani...
The paper studies alkali-activated (AA) slag cements for soil stabilisation, as alternatives to trad...
Generally, alkali-activated binders have received much attention in recent years due to their energy...
Alkaline activation of fly ashes is a procedure that enables an alternative binder which has been re...
An increasing interest in the development of alternative solutions based on the use of wastes and re...
In order to confront the issues related to clay for construction, some adequate ground improvement t...
Alkaline activation of fly ashes is a procedure that enables an alternative binder which has been re...
This paper studies the effectiveness of alkaline activation of low-calcium fly ash on the improvemen...
Abstract: This paper studies the effectiveness of alkaline activation of low-calcium fly ash on the ...
The improvement of geotechnical properties is often achieved by the addition of traditional binders,...
The paper addresses several options to improve the reaction kinetics of alkali-activated low-calciu...
In this paper the potential of introducing alkali activated fly ash to a clayey soil as stabilizing ...
This study addresses the use of alkali activated high-calcium fly ash-based binder to improve engine...
In the context of sustainability in the civil engineering industry, chemical ground improvement is b...
AbstractOrdinary Portland cement and lime are often used as stabilising agent for weak soil improvem...
This paper describes the research developed to evaluate the performance of stabilised residual grani...
The paper studies alkali-activated (AA) slag cements for soil stabilisation, as alternatives to trad...
Generally, alkali-activated binders have received much attention in recent years due to their energy...
Alkaline activation of fly ashes is a procedure that enables an alternative binder which has been re...
An increasing interest in the development of alternative solutions based on the use of wastes and re...
In order to confront the issues related to clay for construction, some adequate ground improvement t...
Alkaline activation of fly ashes is a procedure that enables an alternative binder which has been re...