Price To Book Value is a reflection of investors' assessment of each equity owned and is strongly influenced by management performance in managing the capital that has been invested. Investors evaluate company performance to find companies that have good prospects. price to book value is important for shareholders because it will prosper the company. This study aims to analyze the effect of activity ratio, investment ratio, profitability ratio, liquidity ratio, leverage, and managerial ownership on the value of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019-2021. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling. A total of 116 companies have met the criteria as observation units. The analysis method u...
This study aims to determine the effect of the level of liquidity as measured by the Current Ratio, ...
This study aims to analyze how the implications of managerial ownership (SKM), return on equity, exc...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of liquidity, debt policies, and operating lever...
Price to Book Value is very important for the company because a healthy company will produce a good ...
Firm value is a factor that investors consider in making investment decisions. This study examines t...
The purpose of this research is to examine institutional ownership, profitability, liquidity, divide...
Company value is a condition of achievement in a company that has earned public trust. Firm value is...
This study aims to prove and analyze the direct and indirect effect of liquidity and profitability o...
This study aims to analyze how the implications of managerial ownership (SKM), return on equity, exc...
This study aims to analyze how the implications of managerial ownership (SKM), return on equity, exc...
The research about the impact of financial performance on firm value has become great attention to f...
The research about the impact of financial performance on firm value has become great attention to f...
A high number of the increasing value of the company is a long-term goal that should be achieved by ...
The most famous main objective of a company is to increase the prosperity of the owner or shareholde...
Market confidence in a company is determined by the size of the company's value. This trust is not o...
This study aims to determine the effect of the level of liquidity as measured by the Current Ratio, ...
This study aims to analyze how the implications of managerial ownership (SKM), return on equity, exc...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of liquidity, debt policies, and operating lever...
Price to Book Value is very important for the company because a healthy company will produce a good ...
Firm value is a factor that investors consider in making investment decisions. This study examines t...
The purpose of this research is to examine institutional ownership, profitability, liquidity, divide...
Company value is a condition of achievement in a company that has earned public trust. Firm value is...
This study aims to prove and analyze the direct and indirect effect of liquidity and profitability o...
This study aims to analyze how the implications of managerial ownership (SKM), return on equity, exc...
This study aims to analyze how the implications of managerial ownership (SKM), return on equity, exc...
The research about the impact of financial performance on firm value has become great attention to f...
The research about the impact of financial performance on firm value has become great attention to f...
A high number of the increasing value of the company is a long-term goal that should be achieved by ...
The most famous main objective of a company is to increase the prosperity of the owner or shareholde...
Market confidence in a company is determined by the size of the company's value. This trust is not o...
This study aims to determine the effect of the level of liquidity as measured by the Current Ratio, ...
This study aims to analyze how the implications of managerial ownership (SKM), return on equity, exc...
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of liquidity, debt policies, and operating lever...