Dorylus sp. (nigricans) 3D model (video file). Specimen PALE-8463 is deposited within the Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ) at Harvard University
The first complete ichthyosaur skeleton was introduced to the scientific community in 1819 by Sir Ev...
Archaeological site records from the Harvard Peabody Archaeological Photographic Collection
<p>CLSM volume rendered media file showing the male genitalia of Dendrocerus rectangularis, dorsal v...
Dorylus sp. (nigricans) 3D model (stl file). Specimen PALE-8463 is deposited within the Museum of Co...
Maridet O., Rauber G., Rochat M., Roch R., Tissier J., Anquetin J., Becker D. (2019). 3D surface sca...
A video showing the model of Palaeocharinus spp. created for the current study. Created, animated an...
This black and white photograph features a model of a Diplodocus dinosaur. Gilmore 1915 is carved ...
3D models of Ptomacanthus anglicus, specimen P.24919a from the Natural History Museum, London, scann...
PhDZoologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies
This is a dataset of CT scans (DICOM format) of the cranium of <em>Diprotodon optatum</em> (NMV P31...
This is a 3D model of my study species, the molluscivore pupfish Cyprinodon brontotheroides, created...
A 3D surface scan of the holotype of Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis (ZMNH M8137).https://repository.up...
Mauremys nigricans
<p>CLSM volume rendered media file showing the male genitalia of <em>Dendrocerus koyamai</em>, ventr...
Natural history collections are yielding more information as digitization brings specimen data to re...
The first complete ichthyosaur skeleton was introduced to the scientific community in 1819 by Sir Ev...
Archaeological site records from the Harvard Peabody Archaeological Photographic Collection
<p>CLSM volume rendered media file showing the male genitalia of Dendrocerus rectangularis, dorsal v...
Dorylus sp. (nigricans) 3D model (stl file). Specimen PALE-8463 is deposited within the Museum of Co...
Maridet O., Rauber G., Rochat M., Roch R., Tissier J., Anquetin J., Becker D. (2019). 3D surface sca...
A video showing the model of Palaeocharinus spp. created for the current study. Created, animated an...
This black and white photograph features a model of a Diplodocus dinosaur. Gilmore 1915 is carved ...
3D models of Ptomacanthus anglicus, specimen P.24919a from the Natural History Museum, London, scann...
PhDZoologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies
This is a dataset of CT scans (DICOM format) of the cranium of <em>Diprotodon optatum</em> (NMV P31...
This is a 3D model of my study species, the molluscivore pupfish Cyprinodon brontotheroides, created...
A 3D surface scan of the holotype of Psittacosaurus lujiatunensis (ZMNH M8137).https://repository.up...
Mauremys nigricans
<p>CLSM volume rendered media file showing the male genitalia of <em>Dendrocerus koyamai</em>, ventr...
Natural history collections are yielding more information as digitization brings specimen data to re...
The first complete ichthyosaur skeleton was introduced to the scientific community in 1819 by Sir Ev...
Archaeological site records from the Harvard Peabody Archaeological Photographic Collection
<p>CLSM volume rendered media file showing the male genitalia of Dendrocerus rectangularis, dorsal v...