Denna essä undersöker hur skillnader mellan pedagogers och föräldrars uppfattning av förskolans verksamhet kan påverka synen på vad som är en intressant och meningsfull vardag för barnen, samt hur barns kompetens och deras rätt till medbestämmande tas till vara. Essän utgår från två verkliga och egenupplevda berättelser som ligger som grund för vårt reflekterande och vidare lärprocess. Syftet med essän har inte varit att hitta ett rätt sätt utan snarare om att synliggöra hur vi, genom gemensam reflektion, undersökt olika perspektiv och hur dessa kan mötas och samverka. Vi reflekterar över hur de olika roller vi intar, medvetet eller omedvetet, i vår yrkespraktik påverkar vårt handlande i olika situationer. Vi reflekterar även över på vilket...
In my essay, I will start with a story that represents my dilemma from my own experience. In the sto...
The purpose of my essay is to highlight the various dilemmas that can occur in the preschool during ...
The dilemma is a self-perceived experience of a child who does not have his needs respected and met....
Med denna vetenskapliga essä presenterar jag först situationer ur det praktiska arbetet i förskolan ...
My purpose in this essay has been to gain an understanding of why we treat children differently and ...
In this essay, I examine teachers' different approaches, responsibilities and child perspective on p...
This essay is about how basic democratic values are formed in preschool. I have focused on children´...
This essay is about treatment in preschool and how important it is that we dare to do different base...
Working at preschool is not always easy. Meetings between different people, the ability to weigh and...
This essay concerns practical knowledge and examines preschool teachers experience of responsibility...
Barns inflytande i förskolan - Children’s influence at the preschoolThis essay concentrates around t...
This essay is about the development process I have undergone during my experience-based preschool te...
This essay is based on three self-experienced stories that shares the problem of parents showing a l...
This scientific essay begins with three stories that portrays situations where different ways to vie...
Min essä handlar om konflikten som uppstår när småbarns behov ställs mot vuxenvärldens behov och för...
In my essay, I will start with a story that represents my dilemma from my own experience. In the sto...
The purpose of my essay is to highlight the various dilemmas that can occur in the preschool during ...
The dilemma is a self-perceived experience of a child who does not have his needs respected and met....
Med denna vetenskapliga essä presenterar jag först situationer ur det praktiska arbetet i förskolan ...
My purpose in this essay has been to gain an understanding of why we treat children differently and ...
In this essay, I examine teachers' different approaches, responsibilities and child perspective on p...
This essay is about how basic democratic values are formed in preschool. I have focused on children´...
This essay is about treatment in preschool and how important it is that we dare to do different base...
Working at preschool is not always easy. Meetings between different people, the ability to weigh and...
This essay concerns practical knowledge and examines preschool teachers experience of responsibility...
Barns inflytande i förskolan - Children’s influence at the preschoolThis essay concentrates around t...
This essay is about the development process I have undergone during my experience-based preschool te...
This essay is based on three self-experienced stories that shares the problem of parents showing a l...
This scientific essay begins with three stories that portrays situations where different ways to vie...
Min essä handlar om konflikten som uppstår när småbarns behov ställs mot vuxenvärldens behov och för...
In my essay, I will start with a story that represents my dilemma from my own experience. In the sto...
The purpose of my essay is to highlight the various dilemmas that can occur in the preschool during ...
The dilemma is a self-perceived experience of a child who does not have his needs respected and met....