The Roma people have many times, and for a long period of time been described in a negative way, as a group of people unlike every other. Both novels and encyclopedias has been a part of this misleading discourse and therefore contributed to large misunderstandings. Also scholarly research from Sweden, and elsewhere, has featured inaccurate representations of the Roma people and altogether this has created negative attitudes towards Roma people which are still today a considerable problem. However, the last few years positive changes has taken place and today the Roma people is an official minority group in Sweden which, among other things, has led to promising possibilities, especially in schools, for a deeper understanding of the Roma peo...
Romanies have long lived outside the fabric of society and have long been exposed to discrimination ...
Det övergripande syftet i denna uppsats är att studera finska romers identitetsskapande. De frågestä...
The purpose of this study is to investigate the medial portrayal of Romani people in the newspaper D...
The Roma people have many times, and for a long period of time been described in a negative way, as ...
Roma people have since their first stay in Sweden endured discrimination and violations due other pe...
There are shortcomings when it comes to recent studies by a Roma perspective on Roma culture and tra...
The Roma as a minority in the mainstream schools: from a threat to a hope for the future. The purpos...
The study The Rome in the hands of journalists: a critical discourse analysis of how Roma people are...
Abstract The idea for this study arose after reading the report Romers rätt - en strategi för romer ...
The Roma people have a five hundred year long history in Sweden and are one of five national minorit...
The Romani people have, since their arrival in Europe during the turn of the last millennia, been th...
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the majorities view on the minority can affect the mino...
In 2000 when Sweden signed the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities the Ro...
De EU-migranter som befinner sig i Sverige, oftast för att försörja sig genom tiggeri, ses ofta av a...
In this paper I study how the minority group Roma appears in the Swedish media. I also look at possi...
Romanies have long lived outside the fabric of society and have long been exposed to discrimination ...
Det övergripande syftet i denna uppsats är att studera finska romers identitetsskapande. De frågestä...
The purpose of this study is to investigate the medial portrayal of Romani people in the newspaper D...
The Roma people have many times, and for a long period of time been described in a negative way, as ...
Roma people have since their first stay in Sweden endured discrimination and violations due other pe...
There are shortcomings when it comes to recent studies by a Roma perspective on Roma culture and tra...
The Roma as a minority in the mainstream schools: from a threat to a hope for the future. The purpos...
The study The Rome in the hands of journalists: a critical discourse analysis of how Roma people are...
Abstract The idea for this study arose after reading the report Romers rätt - en strategi för romer ...
The Roma people have a five hundred year long history in Sweden and are one of five national minorit...
The Romani people have, since their arrival in Europe during the turn of the last millennia, been th...
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the majorities view on the minority can affect the mino...
In 2000 when Sweden signed the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities the Ro...
De EU-migranter som befinner sig i Sverige, oftast för att försörja sig genom tiggeri, ses ofta av a...
In this paper I study how the minority group Roma appears in the Swedish media. I also look at possi...
Romanies have long lived outside the fabric of society and have long been exposed to discrimination ...
Det övergripande syftet i denna uppsats är att studera finska romers identitetsskapande. De frågestä...
The purpose of this study is to investigate the medial portrayal of Romani people in the newspaper D...