20. Malus angustifolia (Aiton) Michx. Figs 47–48 Flora Boreali-Americana Vol. 1: 292 (Michaux 1803). Pyrus angustifolia Aiton, Hortus Kewensis Vol. 2: 176 (Aiton 1789). – Pyrus coronaria var. angustifolia (Aiton) Wenz., Linnaea 38 (1): 41 (Wenzig 1874). – Malus coronaria var. angustifolia (Aiton) Ponomar., Sbornik nauchnykh Trudov po prikladnoi botanike, genetike i selektsii 146: 9 (Ponomarenko 1992). – Malus coronaria var. angustifolia (Aiton) Rehder ex Likhonos, Kul’turnaya Flora SSSR Vol. 14: 34 (Likhonos 1983), nom. inval. – Type: USA • North Carolina, locality unknown; s.d; Greene s.n.; neotype: K [K000758465]!, here designated. Pyrus malus var. sempervirens Weston, Botanicus Universalis et Hortulanus 1: 230 (Weston 1770),...
11. Malus xiaojinensis M.H.Cheng & N.G.Jiang Figs 29–30 Journal of Southwestern Agricultural Col...
Fig. 44. Morphological characters of Malus yunnanensis (Franch.) C.K.Schneid.; GH00032511 (type of P...
Fig. 50. Morphological characters of Malus ioensis (Alph.Wood) Britton; P00870194, P03240250, P03240...
21. Malus ioensis (Alph.Wood) Britton Figs 49–50 An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United Sta...
9. Malus rockii Rehder Figs 25–26 Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 14 (3): 206 (Rehder 1933). ...
15. Malus honanensis Rehder Figs 37–38 Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 2 (1): 51 (Rehder 1920). ...
14. Malus tschonoskii (Maxim.) C.K.Schneid. Figs 35–36 Repertorium Novarum Specierum Regni Veget...
26. Malus komarovii (Sarg.) Rehder Figs 59–60 Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 2 (1): 51 (Rehder ...
1b. Malus baccata var. gracilis (Rehder) T.C.Ku Figs 7–8 Flora of China 9: 181 (Ku & Spongberg 2...
Fig. 52. Morphological characters of Malus coronaria (L.) Mill.; A00026579 (lectotype of Malus coron...
Fig. 48. Morphological characters of Malus angustifolia (Aiton) Michx.; A00026578 (holotype of Malus...
Fig. 58. Morphological characters of Malus doumeri (Bois) A.Chev.; A00032498 (isotype of Pyrus melli...
Pyrus malus Linnaeus var. sylvestris Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 1: 479. 1753. RCN: 3662. Neotype...
Pyrus cydonia, spec. nov. 4. Pyrus foliis integerrimis. Hort. cliff. 160. Mat. med. 238. Roy. lugdb...
19. Malus ombrophila Hand.-Mazz. Figs 45–46 Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Ma...
11. Malus xiaojinensis M.H.Cheng & N.G.Jiang Figs 29–30 Journal of Southwestern Agricultural Col...
Fig. 44. Morphological characters of Malus yunnanensis (Franch.) C.K.Schneid.; GH00032511 (type of P...
Fig. 50. Morphological characters of Malus ioensis (Alph.Wood) Britton; P00870194, P03240250, P03240...
21. Malus ioensis (Alph.Wood) Britton Figs 49–50 An Illustrated Flora of the Northern United Sta...
9. Malus rockii Rehder Figs 25–26 Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 14 (3): 206 (Rehder 1933). ...
15. Malus honanensis Rehder Figs 37–38 Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 2 (1): 51 (Rehder 1920). ...
14. Malus tschonoskii (Maxim.) C.K.Schneid. Figs 35–36 Repertorium Novarum Specierum Regni Veget...
26. Malus komarovii (Sarg.) Rehder Figs 59–60 Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 2 (1): 51 (Rehder ...
1b. Malus baccata var. gracilis (Rehder) T.C.Ku Figs 7–8 Flora of China 9: 181 (Ku & Spongberg 2...
Fig. 52. Morphological characters of Malus coronaria (L.) Mill.; A00026579 (lectotype of Malus coron...
Fig. 48. Morphological characters of Malus angustifolia (Aiton) Michx.; A00026578 (holotype of Malus...
Fig. 58. Morphological characters of Malus doumeri (Bois) A.Chev.; A00032498 (isotype of Pyrus melli...
Pyrus malus Linnaeus var. sylvestris Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 1: 479. 1753. RCN: 3662. Neotype...
Pyrus cydonia, spec. nov. 4. Pyrus foliis integerrimis. Hort. cliff. 160. Mat. med. 238. Roy. lugdb...
19. Malus ombrophila Hand.-Mazz. Figs 45–46 Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Ma...
11. Malus xiaojinensis M.H.Cheng & N.G.Jiang Figs 29–30 Journal of Southwestern Agricultural Col...
Fig. 44. Morphological characters of Malus yunnanensis (Franch.) C.K.Schneid.; GH00032511 (type of P...
Fig. 50. Morphological characters of Malus ioensis (Alph.Wood) Britton; P00870194, P03240250, P03240...