Anthracoceratites RAMSBOTTOM 1970

  • Dernov, Vitaly
Publication date
December 2022


Genus Anthracoceratites RAMSBOTTOM, 1970 Ty p e s p e c i e s. Anthracoceratites deansi RAMSBOTTOM, 1970; by original designation. D i a g n o s i s. Genus of the family Anthracoceratidae with discoidal conch; umbilicus is closed. Ornamented with biconvex growth lines that form rather prominent ventrolateral projection. Suture line has a low median saddle; lobes have the tendency to become denticulate (after Ramsbottom 1970). S p e c i e s i n c l u d e d. A. arcuatilobus (LUDWIG, 1863), Rhenish Mountains (Germany); A. augustevictoriae (PATTEISKY, 1965), Rhenish Mountains (Germany); A. deansi RAMSBOTTOM, 1970, Lancashire and Yorkshire (England); A. lacerus KORN, 1997, Praia das Quebradas (Portugal); A. serratoides (TERMIER, 1952), Bé...

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