Bisatoceras MILLER et OWEN 1937

  • Dernov, Vitaly
Publication date
December 2022


Genus Bisatoceras MILLER et OWEN, 1937 T y p e s p e c i e s. Bisatoceras primum MILLER et OWEN, 1937; by original designation. D i a g n o s i s. Genus of the family Bisatoceratidae with subdiscoidal conch and very narrow or closed umbilicus. Ornamentation of transverse growth lamellae which form ventral and lateral sinuses and ventrolateral and dorsolateral salients. Constrictions present in early ontogenetic stages, but absent at maturity. Prongs of the ventral lobe are accuminate and inflatted and are broader than the first lateral saddle. The secondary ventral saddle is nearly as high as the rounded lateral saddle and is narrow and accuminate and the umbilical lobe is shallow and rounded (after Nassichuk 1975). S p e c i e s i n...

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