Auplopus enodans (KOHL, 1894) Pseudagenia enodans n.sp.: KOHL 1894: 308 (description ♀, Chûtes de Samlia (Riv. N. Gamio) = Chûtes de Samba (Rivière Ngounié)), pl. 14 (figs 48, 58, 60). Pseudagenia enodans KOHL, 1894: DALLA TORRE 1897: 202 (world catalogue: West Africa = Gabon). Pseudagenia enodans KOHL, 1894: ARNOLD 1934: 341 (taxonomy, English translation of original description ♀, not seen). D i s t r i b u t i o n: Ngounié: Chûtes de Samba (Rivière Ngounié) near Sindara. Auplopus enodans, which is widely distributed in the Afrotropical region, is also recorded from the Republic of the Congo.Published as part of Madl, Michael, P, Cryptocheilus & D, Cyphononyx, 2022, A catalogue of the Pompilidae (Hymenoptera, Ve...