Bureschia serbica sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: B31E6F2B-F012-42E3-BA7F-944FFFA983BC Figs 2–7 Diagnosis A blind, medium-sized troglobite species with a narrow body (maximum length: ♂ 7 mm, ♀ 7.2 mm). Antennula with elongated articles and reduced number of aesthetascs (3).Antenna with flagellum of nine articles, longer than article 5 by a third of article length. Maxilliped endopodite wide with enormously widened, distally truncate endite. Male pleopod 1 endopodite basal segment with a solid outer projection at its tip and flagelliform terminal segment with thick base; exopodite distally with wide outwardly curved, quadrangular protruding tip. Male pleopod 2 endopodite with stout basal article, three times as long as wi...
Savarna kaeo sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:2F4E832E-5406-427A-B67F-C503EBBFB94D Figs 2–4, 14–...
Benthana alba n. sp. (Figures 3B, 4 and 5) Type material. Holotype: male (ISLA 96766 in slide), ...
Pholcus khaolek Huber, sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:2A1CAF47-9EB4-480C-8C83-DFB0162AF617 Fig...
Mladenoniscus belavodae n. g., n. sp., Karaman (Figs 1–17) Material examined. Holotype. male, Be...
A second member of the genus Belbogosoma Ćurčić & Makarov, 2008, the troglobitic B. stribogi n. s...
Pleurocryptella altalis sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 65006984-C3F1-4C31-ABEF-8225A15F921E F...
Plusiocampa (Plusiocampa) ternovensis Sendra & Borko sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: D1AE6C14-8...
Karadenizia merti gen. nov., sp. nov. Figs 1–5 Diagnosis. As for the genus, with the addition th...
A new troglobite species belonging to the genus Harpolithobius has been discovered during a recent b...
Fig. 7. Bureschia serbica sp. nov., holotype, ♂, from Suva dupka Cave (ZZDBE 1143/1). A. Genital pap...
Stenasellus taitii n. sp. Messana & Argano Holotype male MZUF 5038, Yemen, Socotra Archipelago, S...
Liouvillea rocagloria sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: E11887DA-7761-495E-A7CD-776CD936F88C Fig...
Typhloiulus opisthonodus Antić, new species Figs 13, 14, 15C Material examined: Type spec...
Omobrachyiulus lazanyiae Vagalinski sp. nov. Figs 28, 29, 30 Material examined (SMNG). Holotype...
Fig. 2. Bureschia serbica sp. nov., paratype, ♂ (6.8 mm) from Suva dupka Cave (ZZDBE 1143/2). A. Adu...
Savarna kaeo sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:2F4E832E-5406-427A-B67F-C503EBBFB94D Figs 2–4, 14–...
Benthana alba n. sp. (Figures 3B, 4 and 5) Type material. Holotype: male (ISLA 96766 in slide), ...
Pholcus khaolek Huber, sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:2A1CAF47-9EB4-480C-8C83-DFB0162AF617 Fig...
Mladenoniscus belavodae n. g., n. sp., Karaman (Figs 1–17) Material examined. Holotype. male, Be...
A second member of the genus Belbogosoma Ćurčić & Makarov, 2008, the troglobitic B. stribogi n. s...
Pleurocryptella altalis sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 65006984-C3F1-4C31-ABEF-8225A15F921E F...
Plusiocampa (Plusiocampa) ternovensis Sendra & Borko sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: D1AE6C14-8...
Karadenizia merti gen. nov., sp. nov. Figs 1–5 Diagnosis. As for the genus, with the addition th...
A new troglobite species belonging to the genus Harpolithobius has been discovered during a recent b...
Fig. 7. Bureschia serbica sp. nov., holotype, ♂, from Suva dupka Cave (ZZDBE 1143/1). A. Genital pap...
Stenasellus taitii n. sp. Messana & Argano Holotype male MZUF 5038, Yemen, Socotra Archipelago, S...
Liouvillea rocagloria sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: E11887DA-7761-495E-A7CD-776CD936F88C Fig...
Typhloiulus opisthonodus Antić, new species Figs 13, 14, 15C Material examined: Type spec...
Omobrachyiulus lazanyiae Vagalinski sp. nov. Figs 28, 29, 30 Material examined (SMNG). Holotype...
Fig. 2. Bureschia serbica sp. nov., paratype, ♂ (6.8 mm) from Suva dupka Cave (ZZDBE 1143/2). A. Adu...
Savarna kaeo sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:2F4E832E-5406-427A-B67F-C503EBBFB94D Figs 2–4, 14–...
Benthana alba n. sp. (Figures 3B, 4 and 5) Type material. Holotype: male (ISLA 96766 in slide), ...
Pholcus khaolek Huber, sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:2A1CAF47-9EB4-480C-8C83-DFB0162AF617 Fig...