Namen prispevka je nematerne govorce angleščine na podlagi primerov iz korpusa COCA seznaniti z rabo ne preveč priljubljenih struktur, kot sta I am hoping ‘upam’ in I am loving ‘ljubim’, v katerih so t. i. statični glagoli rabljeni v nedovršni obliki. Ti glagoli praviloma ne izkazujejo nedovršne oblike, kljub temu pa, kot kažejo primeri konkordanc s korpusa COCA, obstajajo posebne okoliščine, v katerih materni govorci angleščine (konkretno ameriške angleščine), omenjene strukture uporabljajo pri komunikaciji. Možne so le v posebnih okoliščinah, spodbudijo pa jih lahko leksikalni in slovnični razlogi ter govorne navade. Korpus COCA vsebuje številne situacije avtentične rabe angleščine, v katerih so omenjeni glagoli uporabljeni v nedovršni ob...
The paper presents an empirical study of the overuse of the progressive aspect with so-called "stati...
This paper aims to investigate in which contexts stative predicates are possible in the progressive ...
English language has many varieties, one of its, is Pakistani English. There are some deviations fro...
AbstractSemantics is the field of linguistic concerned with the study of meaning in language. The a...
English verbs are generally classified as either stative or dynamic, where one of the main differenc...
English verbs are generally classified as either stative or dynamic, where one of the main differenc...
The extension of the progressive form to stative verbs is a widely discussed feature of Outer Circle...
Previous studies indicate that even advanced learners of English as a Foreign Language and speakers ...
The purpose of this paper is to examine some stative verbs, i.e. verbs which do not normally take pr...
Pričujoče diplomsko delo se osredotoči na poseben element angleškega jezika, in sicer nedovršno obli...
This paper explores the frequency with which English and Spanish make use of the Progressive constru...
This essay is concerned with whether the progressive aspect is overgeneralized by children, using it...
Previous corpus-based research on the progressive (BE+V-ing) investigated it from a diachronic point...
Coercion is defined as “a semantic transformation that involves shifting of one type to another” (Pu...
1.1. The problem • Contrary to what is commonly assumed, stative predicates are sometimes compatible...
The paper presents an empirical study of the overuse of the progressive aspect with so-called "stati...
This paper aims to investigate in which contexts stative predicates are possible in the progressive ...
English language has many varieties, one of its, is Pakistani English. There are some deviations fro...
AbstractSemantics is the field of linguistic concerned with the study of meaning in language. The a...
English verbs are generally classified as either stative or dynamic, where one of the main differenc...
English verbs are generally classified as either stative or dynamic, where one of the main differenc...
The extension of the progressive form to stative verbs is a widely discussed feature of Outer Circle...
Previous studies indicate that even advanced learners of English as a Foreign Language and speakers ...
The purpose of this paper is to examine some stative verbs, i.e. verbs which do not normally take pr...
Pričujoče diplomsko delo se osredotoči na poseben element angleškega jezika, in sicer nedovršno obli...
This paper explores the frequency with which English and Spanish make use of the Progressive constru...
This essay is concerned with whether the progressive aspect is overgeneralized by children, using it...
Previous corpus-based research on the progressive (BE+V-ing) investigated it from a diachronic point...
Coercion is defined as “a semantic transformation that involves shifting of one type to another” (Pu...
1.1. The problem • Contrary to what is commonly assumed, stative predicates are sometimes compatible...
The paper presents an empirical study of the overuse of the progressive aspect with so-called "stati...
This paper aims to investigate in which contexts stative predicates are possible in the progressive ...
English language has many varieties, one of its, is Pakistani English. There are some deviations fro...