Mākslas terapijaVeselības aprūpeArt TherapyHealth CareCovid-19 pandēmijas ietekmē ievērojami paaugstinājās riski veselībai un labizjūtai profesionāļiem palīdzošajās profesijās, tostarp mākslas terapeitiem. Pētījumi parādīja, ka viens no pieejamiem resursiem, kas var stiprināt psihisko veselību un veicināt psiholoģisko noturību Covid-19 pandēmijas situācijā, ir pašpalīdzība. Vienlaikus tika konstatēts, ka Latvijā nav veikti pētījumi par mākslas terapeitu pašpalīdzību. Pašpalīdzības stratēģiju aptaujas izstrāde Covid-19 pandēmijas laikā (Mārtinsone u.c., 2022) radīja iespēju pašpalīdzības izpētei mākslas terapeitu izlasē, izmantojot validētu mērinstrumentu. Pētījuma mērķis bija izpētīt mākslas terapeitu pašpalīdzības stratēģijas un to specifi...
Physical activity (PA) self-efficacy is one of the most important psychological factors that influen...
Changes caused by aging manifest themselves in physical, cognitive, emotional and social areas. Danc...
The context of the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the idea of improving the quality of life and h...
Covid-19 pandemic poses significant increase in hazards to professionals’ health and well-being in t...
Mākslas terapijaVeselības aprūpeArt TherapyHealth CareCOVID-19 pandēmija ieviesa lielas pārmaiņas ga...
The aim of this research was to develop multiscale questionnaire of professional identity (PI) and t...
In recent years, the number of studies covering mindfulness, self-compassion practices, progressive ...
The aim of this research was to develop multiscale questionnaire of professional identity (PI) and t...
Mindfulness based interventions has been used in context with different mental and somatic health co...
Mindfulness based interventions has been used in context with different mental and somatic health co...
Changes caused by aging manifest themselves in physical, cognitive, emotional and social areas. Danc...
The aim of the research is to check if Art therapy reduces anxiety and pain symptoms for chronic low...
Physical activity (PA) self-efficacy is one of the most important psychological factors that influen...
Changes caused by aging manifest themselves in physical, cognitive, emotional and social areas. Danc...
The context of the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the idea of improving the quality of life and h...
Covid-19 pandemic poses significant increase in hazards to professionals’ health and well-being in t...
Mākslas terapijaVeselības aprūpeArt TherapyHealth CareCOVID-19 pandēmija ieviesa lielas pārmaiņas ga...
The aim of this research was to develop multiscale questionnaire of professional identity (PI) and t...
In recent years, the number of studies covering mindfulness, self-compassion practices, progressive ...
The aim of this research was to develop multiscale questionnaire of professional identity (PI) and t...
Mindfulness based interventions has been used in context with different mental and somatic health co...
Mindfulness based interventions has been used in context with different mental and somatic health co...
Changes caused by aging manifest themselves in physical, cognitive, emotional and social areas. Danc...
The aim of the research is to check if Art therapy reduces anxiety and pain symptoms for chronic low...
Physical activity (PA) self-efficacy is one of the most important psychological factors that influen...
Changes caused by aging manifest themselves in physical, cognitive, emotional and social areas. Danc...
The context of the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the idea of improving the quality of life and h...