La resistencia de las presas políticas en la cárcel de Villa Devoto (1974-1982): entre las disputas internas y los lazos de solidaridad

  • Ceballos, Rocío
Publication date
March 2023
Centro de Investigaciones Socio Históricas. IdIHCS - CONICET. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad Nacional de La Plata


With the recovery of democracy, the experience of political imprisonment during the Argentine genocide has been overshadowed and relegated by the prominent place given to narratives focused on bearing witness to the topography of horror and repression. This paper has three aims: to reconstruct the politics of resistance that women prisoners sustained, to recover the contradictions they encountered during their confinement in Villa Devoto prison (1974-1983), and to characterise the sex-gender disciplining they endured during political imprisonment. To this end, we rely on testimonies available in various national public archives and secondary bibliography, in particular the work "Nosotras, presas políticas" (We, political prisoners). And we ...

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