Mastitis subklinis merupakan penyakit yang sering menyerang sapi perah laktasi dan berpotensi menurunkan produksi sehingga menimbulkan kerugian bagi peternak. Mastitis subklinis umumnya disebabkan oleh bakteri Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae dan Escherichia coli. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melaporkan tanda klinis, metode diagnosis dan penanganan mastitis subklinis pada sapi perah di Balai Besar Pembibitan Ternak Unggul dan Hijauan Pakan Ternak Baturraden. Uji mastitis dilakukan menggunakan California Mastitis Test (CMT). Pemeriksaan klinis sapi tampak normal tanpa adanya tanda-tanda peradangan pada ambing, sedangkan berdasarkan pemeriksaan dengan CMT, sapi dinyatakan positif mastitis subklinis dengan hasil CMT +++ (sedang) ...
The study was conducted to know the factor that potentially affect the incidence of subclinical and...
This research has taken place at Claretian Novitiate of Benlutu dairy cattle, Batu Putih district, T...
The purpose of this research was to find out how much cases of subclinical mastitis in Pujon distric...
Mastitis is an inflammatory disease in the internal tissue of the mammary gland. Subclinical mastiti...
Subclinical mastitis is an infection of the udder devoid of clinical symptoms, bacteria are one of t...
Cross Breed Etawa goat is one of the goat which is used for milk production or is used as a dairy go...
Subclinical mastitis was one of causes of decreasing milk production. The various species of bacteri...
This study investigated mastitis in the dairy herd at Taman Pertanian Universiti Putra Malaysia (TPU...
Mastitis is the main problem in the dairy farm because it can lead to decline in the production of m...
Mastitis is one of disease in dairy cows that cause a lot of loss to the breeders, especially decrea...
Background: Subclinical mastitis prevalence data in Bogor Regency is still lacking in every farm. I...
Subclinical mastitis in cows causes reduction in the quantity of milk and increasing the number of b...
Comprehensive data regarding subclinical mastitis in dairy cows are essential for implementation...
Mastitis is a common disease in dairy cows and caused huge economic losses to the dairy farm across ...
Mastitis adalah penyakit yang terjadi akibat infeksi pada kelenjar ambing. Mastitis subklinis merupa...
The study was conducted to know the factor that potentially affect the incidence of subclinical and...
This research has taken place at Claretian Novitiate of Benlutu dairy cattle, Batu Putih district, T...
The purpose of this research was to find out how much cases of subclinical mastitis in Pujon distric...
Mastitis is an inflammatory disease in the internal tissue of the mammary gland. Subclinical mastiti...
Subclinical mastitis is an infection of the udder devoid of clinical symptoms, bacteria are one of t...
Cross Breed Etawa goat is one of the goat which is used for milk production or is used as a dairy go...
Subclinical mastitis was one of causes of decreasing milk production. The various species of bacteri...
This study investigated mastitis in the dairy herd at Taman Pertanian Universiti Putra Malaysia (TPU...
Mastitis is the main problem in the dairy farm because it can lead to decline in the production of m...
Mastitis is one of disease in dairy cows that cause a lot of loss to the breeders, especially decrea...
Background: Subclinical mastitis prevalence data in Bogor Regency is still lacking in every farm. I...
Subclinical mastitis in cows causes reduction in the quantity of milk and increasing the number of b...
Comprehensive data regarding subclinical mastitis in dairy cows are essential for implementation...
Mastitis is a common disease in dairy cows and caused huge economic losses to the dairy farm across ...
Mastitis adalah penyakit yang terjadi akibat infeksi pada kelenjar ambing. Mastitis subklinis merupa...
The study was conducted to know the factor that potentially affect the incidence of subclinical and...
This research has taken place at Claretian Novitiate of Benlutu dairy cattle, Batu Putih district, T...
The purpose of this research was to find out how much cases of subclinical mastitis in Pujon distric...