"The AGLAE project (Farmers Share Their Agro-Ecological Practices) https://occitanie.chambre-agriculture.fr/agroenvironnement/agroecologie/aglae/le-projet-aglae/ aims to create a repository of innovative agroecological practices in Large Scale Crops and Livestock (LSCL), Viticulture and Arboriculture, qualified by experts and based on feedback from farmers identified locally in the Occitania region of France. The system is based on the identification of agro-ecological practices by advisors with farmers in their area. The practices are then studied by a committee of regional experts who qualify the innovation and verify its transferability to other systems. All the practices approved by AGLAE are available through testimonials from innova...
International audienceAbstractIn a context of global change involving uncertainty in agricultural pr...
No-tillage techniques and conservation agriculture (CA), based on minimal soil disturbance, the main...
No-tillage techniques and conservation agriculture (CA), based on minimal soil disturbance, the main...
As our contemporary intensive agricultural models readily approach the biophysical boundaries of the...
Agroecology has been a focus of intense debate in France since 2012, when the idea was explicitly ad...
International audienceAgroecology is a promising concept for designing and managing more sustainable...
L'auteur Claire Lamine est mentionnée en tant que partners et non en tant qu'auteur du posterL'auteu...
International audienceAgriculture is currently facing unprecedented challenges: ensuring food, fiber...
International audienceAgro-ecology is now considered as an alternative model to the industrial agric...
Chapitre 8Faced with the crises and challenges associated with global change, innovation has been pu...
Agriculture must succeed in reconciling productivity, economic profitability and environmental prote...
In Europe, developing Agroecology requires a redesign of production systems towards agroecology, to ...
PosterFacing new challenges of agriculture, the research for more sustainable agrosystems includes a...
Workshop 3.4 Boundary spanning between agroecological and conventional production systems: implicati...
International audienceAbstractIn a context of global change involving uncertainty in agricultural pr...
No-tillage techniques and conservation agriculture (CA), based on minimal soil disturbance, the main...
No-tillage techniques and conservation agriculture (CA), based on minimal soil disturbance, the main...
As our contemporary intensive agricultural models readily approach the biophysical boundaries of the...
Agroecology has been a focus of intense debate in France since 2012, when the idea was explicitly ad...
International audienceAgroecology is a promising concept for designing and managing more sustainable...
L'auteur Claire Lamine est mentionnée en tant que partners et non en tant qu'auteur du posterL'auteu...
International audienceAgriculture is currently facing unprecedented challenges: ensuring food, fiber...
International audienceAgro-ecology is now considered as an alternative model to the industrial agric...
Chapitre 8Faced with the crises and challenges associated with global change, innovation has been pu...
Agriculture must succeed in reconciling productivity, economic profitability and environmental prote...
In Europe, developing Agroecology requires a redesign of production systems towards agroecology, to ...
PosterFacing new challenges of agriculture, the research for more sustainable agrosystems includes a...
Workshop 3.4 Boundary spanning between agroecological and conventional production systems: implicati...
International audienceAbstractIn a context of global change involving uncertainty in agricultural pr...
No-tillage techniques and conservation agriculture (CA), based on minimal soil disturbance, the main...
No-tillage techniques and conservation agriculture (CA), based on minimal soil disturbance, the main...