Statistical analysis and comparison of the optimum results obtained by three algorithms.</p
Comparative statistical performance of various algorithms in minimizing the F cost function.</p
Statistical p values for pairwise comparisons of two specific items included in each topic of the at...
<p>The performances of the different classification algorithms as a function of the number of trials...
The quantitative comparison of our approach with three related works for segmentation on the two dat...
Quantitative comparison between the state-of-the-art SR algorithms on 3 test datasets.</p
Statistics comparing the recoded responses for the three behavior questions by condition.</p
<p>Comparison of the average classification accuracies of different algorithms for different numbers...
Comparison of performance obtained by our approach with other state-of-the-art algorithms.</p
Comparison of the performance of the four methods under the four distributions data.</p
Statistical p values for pairwise comparisons of two specific items included in each topic of the pr...
<p>The comparison of computational efficiency of each algorithm on the test functions.</p
Performance statistics of the tested algorithms at different activity levels.</p
<p>Statistical comparison of the efficacy of different minimotif filters and filter combinations.</p
Comparison of the classification accuracies of different algorithms and different feature fusion met...
<p>The optimization processes of the optimal solution with different algorithms.</p
Comparative statistical performance of various algorithms in minimizing the F cost function.</p
Statistical p values for pairwise comparisons of two specific items included in each topic of the at...
<p>The performances of the different classification algorithms as a function of the number of trials...
The quantitative comparison of our approach with three related works for segmentation on the two dat...
Quantitative comparison between the state-of-the-art SR algorithms on 3 test datasets.</p
Statistics comparing the recoded responses for the three behavior questions by condition.</p
<p>Comparison of the average classification accuracies of different algorithms for different numbers...
Comparison of performance obtained by our approach with other state-of-the-art algorithms.</p
Comparison of the performance of the four methods under the four distributions data.</p
Statistical p values for pairwise comparisons of two specific items included in each topic of the pr...
<p>The comparison of computational efficiency of each algorithm on the test functions.</p
Performance statistics of the tested algorithms at different activity levels.</p
<p>Statistical comparison of the efficacy of different minimotif filters and filter combinations.</p
Comparison of the classification accuracies of different algorithms and different feature fusion met...
<p>The optimization processes of the optimal solution with different algorithms.</p
Comparative statistical performance of various algorithms in minimizing the F cost function.</p
Statistical p values for pairwise comparisons of two specific items included in each topic of the at...
<p>The performances of the different classification algorithms as a function of the number of trials...