This study examines whether participation in Extended Foster Care (EFC) or the Aftercare Program increase perceptions of independence in former and current foster dependents ages eighteen and older. Foster youth have historically experienced worse outcomes than the general population after reaching age 18. This study surveyed 72 young adults, 36 were in Extended Foster Care (EFC) and 36 were in the Aftercare Program in San Bernardino County. The areas examined were demographics, health care, employment, transportation, education, housing, mental health, pregnancy/parenting status, social support, services received in Independent Living Program (ILP), EFC, and/or the Aftercare Program and the young adults’ perception of the helpfulness of th...
Outcome research has shown that upon aging out of the foster care system, many young adults struggle...
Extended foster care (EFC) programs have emerged as a way to provide continued financial and case ma...
The purpose of this study is to highlight the services that are beneficial and highlight additional ...
This study examines whether participation in Extended Foster Care (EFC) or the Aftercare Program inc...
This study examined former foster youth’s perceptions of the skills and services they received while...
ABSTRACT This is a qualitative study that was conducted in conjunction with San Bernardino County to...
This study explored the perceptions of former foster youth as a means to analyze the factors that co...
The purpose of this study was to examine former foster care youth perceptions on the effectiveness o...
As youth emancipate out of the child welfare system, they face many challenges. This study investiga...
The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the Extended Foster Care (EFC) Progra...
©2008 Alliance for Children and FamiliesEmerging adulthood is a phase in the life course recently id...
ABSTRACT This is a comprehensive study of youth in the foster care system. It examines perceptual ex...
This dissertation examines factors that impact the provision of services and resources for youth dur...
The Child Welfare system is widely known as the macro system responsible for ensuring the safety of ...
This research study utilizes the perspectives of foster care alumni to explore the effectiveness of ...
Outcome research has shown that upon aging out of the foster care system, many young adults struggle...
Extended foster care (EFC) programs have emerged as a way to provide continued financial and case ma...
The purpose of this study is to highlight the services that are beneficial and highlight additional ...
This study examines whether participation in Extended Foster Care (EFC) or the Aftercare Program inc...
This study examined former foster youth’s perceptions of the skills and services they received while...
ABSTRACT This is a qualitative study that was conducted in conjunction with San Bernardino County to...
This study explored the perceptions of former foster youth as a means to analyze the factors that co...
The purpose of this study was to examine former foster care youth perceptions on the effectiveness o...
As youth emancipate out of the child welfare system, they face many challenges. This study investiga...
The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the Extended Foster Care (EFC) Progra...
©2008 Alliance for Children and FamiliesEmerging adulthood is a phase in the life course recently id...
ABSTRACT This is a comprehensive study of youth in the foster care system. It examines perceptual ex...
This dissertation examines factors that impact the provision of services and resources for youth dur...
The Child Welfare system is widely known as the macro system responsible for ensuring the safety of ...
This research study utilizes the perspectives of foster care alumni to explore the effectiveness of ...
Outcome research has shown that upon aging out of the foster care system, many young adults struggle...
Extended foster care (EFC) programs have emerged as a way to provide continued financial and case ma...
The purpose of this study is to highlight the services that are beneficial and highlight additional ...