This study aims to determine whether the perception and religiosity of the students of the Islamic boarding school of Tarbiyatul Banin, Kaliwadas sub- district, Sumber sub-district, Cirebon district have an effect on the interest in saving in Islamic banks. This research uses quantitative research. The data collection technique used a questionnaire with a Likert scale to obtain data on the influence of student perceptions (X1) and student religiosity (X2) on interest in saving in banks Islamic (Y). This study is a population study, taking data on MA level students with a total of 250 students, then the research sample is 30% of the total population with a total of 75 respondents using accidental sampling, observations and research were carr...
Religiousity is an expression of embraced system of trust that feels its values, so it created an op...
The purpose of this study was to examine how religiosity influences the intention to save Muslim stu...
The study was conducted to examine the interest of the people of Dalegan Village, Panceng District, ...
This study aims to examine "The Influence of Income, Religiosity and Student Knowledge about Islamic...
This study aims to examine "The Influence of Income, Religiosity and Student Knowledge about Islamic...
Saving in sharia at this time has become a way of life, the interest in saving in sharia banks is in...
ABSTRACT This research was conducted to determine the influence of Religious, Service Facilities, Fi...
Sharia banks are banks that carry out their business activities based on Sharia principles. The mark...
Islamic Banking is a banking institution that runs with the principles of sharia. In every business ...
This study aims to examine the effect of knowledge, religiosity, and reputation on the interests of ...
Abstract: This study was conducted to determine the influence of religiosity, profit sharing system...
The Purpose of this study to analyze the knowledge of Islamic banking, bank products and religiosity...
This study aims to examine the influence of religiosity on the attitude of Muslim consumers in Surab...
Macroeconomically, the development of Islamic banks in Indonesia has a great opportunity because of ...
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of knowledge, perception, religiosity, socializ...
Religiousity is an expression of embraced system of trust that feels its values, so it created an op...
The purpose of this study was to examine how religiosity influences the intention to save Muslim stu...
The study was conducted to examine the interest of the people of Dalegan Village, Panceng District, ...
This study aims to examine "The Influence of Income, Religiosity and Student Knowledge about Islamic...
This study aims to examine "The Influence of Income, Religiosity and Student Knowledge about Islamic...
Saving in sharia at this time has become a way of life, the interest in saving in sharia banks is in...
ABSTRACT This research was conducted to determine the influence of Religious, Service Facilities, Fi...
Sharia banks are banks that carry out their business activities based on Sharia principles. The mark...
Islamic Banking is a banking institution that runs with the principles of sharia. In every business ...
This study aims to examine the effect of knowledge, religiosity, and reputation on the interests of ...
Abstract: This study was conducted to determine the influence of religiosity, profit sharing system...
The Purpose of this study to analyze the knowledge of Islamic banking, bank products and religiosity...
This study aims to examine the influence of religiosity on the attitude of Muslim consumers in Surab...
Macroeconomically, the development of Islamic banks in Indonesia has a great opportunity because of ...
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of knowledge, perception, religiosity, socializ...
Religiousity is an expression of embraced system of trust that feels its values, so it created an op...
The purpose of this study was to examine how religiosity influences the intention to save Muslim stu...
The study was conducted to examine the interest of the people of Dalegan Village, Panceng District, ...