U istoriografiji srpske medicine malobrojni su podaci o životu i radu dr Dimitrija Radulovića. Dr Radulović pripadao je prvoj generaciji Srba lekara devetnaestog veka. Rođen je 1814. godine u Beloj Crkvi, a studije medicine završio je u Pešti, u kojoj je stekao zvanje doktora medicine. Posle Pešte odlazi u Beč, gde se specijalizuje u oblasti porodiljstva. Među Srbima je bio autor prvog rada iz oblasti koju danas nazivamo sportskom medicinom. Tim radom, kao i svojim kasnijim delovanjem, postavio je temelje sportske medicine među Srbima. Prvi je pisao o važnosti telesnog vežbanja i uticaju različitih sportova na fizički razvoj dece, omladine i odraslih; na taj način dao je doprinos definisanju optimalnih fizičkih opterećenja i higijensko-dije...
Buka predstavlja za ljudsko uvo nepoželjan i nekoristan zvuk, ali može se reći da je ona sveprisutni...
Settlements in South Eastern Serbia (1439 in total) were anthropogeographically researched in past, ...
A learning medium is a tool that enables a student to acquire knowledge and master skills. Education...
In the historiography of Serbian medicine, there is little data on the life and work of Dr. Dimitrij...
Purpose. The study aims at investigating the role of particle size of mineral tailings derived from ...
HighlightsWe have conducted a retrospective analysis of patients who underwent minimally invasive ao...
In contemporary business environment when Serbian joining to European Union is expected, enterprises...
Supstituisana heterociklična kiseonikova jedinjenja, posebno ciklični etri terahidrofuransko- i tera...
This study concerns the relationship between verbal and musical components of Serbian epic songs wit...
Purpose of the study – determine production, energy, and introduction potentials of various forms of...
U radu se diskutuje stepen socijalne uključenosti Roma u Srbiji kao kritični pokazatelj društvene ko...
Savremena poljoprivredna proizvodnja podrazumeva neracionalnu upotrebu velikih količina pesticida, š...
The paper represents an outline of the most important natural and anthropogenic tourist values on wh...
Small size of agricultural parcels, great dispersion and uneconomically shaped parcels are some of t...
The aim. Determination of the diagnostic value of lactate, lactate dehydrogenase, cholinesterase, ac...
Buka predstavlja za ljudsko uvo nepoželjan i nekoristan zvuk, ali može se reći da je ona sveprisutni...
Settlements in South Eastern Serbia (1439 in total) were anthropogeographically researched in past, ...
A learning medium is a tool that enables a student to acquire knowledge and master skills. Education...
In the historiography of Serbian medicine, there is little data on the life and work of Dr. Dimitrij...
Purpose. The study aims at investigating the role of particle size of mineral tailings derived from ...
HighlightsWe have conducted a retrospective analysis of patients who underwent minimally invasive ao...
In contemporary business environment when Serbian joining to European Union is expected, enterprises...
Supstituisana heterociklična kiseonikova jedinjenja, posebno ciklični etri terahidrofuransko- i tera...
This study concerns the relationship between verbal and musical components of Serbian epic songs wit...
Purpose of the study – determine production, energy, and introduction potentials of various forms of...
U radu se diskutuje stepen socijalne uključenosti Roma u Srbiji kao kritični pokazatelj društvene ko...
Savremena poljoprivredna proizvodnja podrazumeva neracionalnu upotrebu velikih količina pesticida, š...
The paper represents an outline of the most important natural and anthropogenic tourist values on wh...
Small size of agricultural parcels, great dispersion and uneconomically shaped parcels are some of t...
The aim. Determination of the diagnostic value of lactate, lactate dehydrogenase, cholinesterase, ac...
Buka predstavlja za ljudsko uvo nepoželjan i nekoristan zvuk, ali može se reći da je ona sveprisutni...
Settlements in South Eastern Serbia (1439 in total) were anthropogeographically researched in past, ...
A learning medium is a tool that enables a student to acquire knowledge and master skills. Education...