Byz. Ivory - Paul. 5-6 cent. Cluny Mus - Paris.
Phoenecian Ivory. End of 9 cent B.C. Karlsruhe Mus. Germany. VII.6.15
Ivory - Standing Virgin + Child. Copy of Hodegetria the palladomium of Constantinople. Utrecht - mid...
Ivory Panel - Carolignian, c.800. Virgin, John, Longinua + Stephaton. Brit Mus. Jan \u2793https://di...
Ivory. Cruciform, Ascension + Parousia. From Cologne, c.10-11 cent. Cluny Mus. Parishttps://digitalc...
Ivory of Xp - 7 cent. Coptic Mus. - Cairo
Ivory - possibly from Liege c.1100. Crucifixion. Brit Mus. Jan 93
Ivory, Baptism. 6 cent. ? From Eg. British Mus. II.22.22
Berlin - Ivory Dyptych. Xp between Peter, + Paul. Virgin + Child between 2 angels. 6 cent.https://di...
Phoenecian Ivory. End of 9 cent B.C. Karlsruhe Mus. Germany. VII.6.15
Ivory - Standing Virgin + Child. Copy of Hodegetria the palladomium of Constantinople. Utrecht - mid...
Ivory Panel - Carolignian, c.800. Virgin, John, Longinua + Stephaton. Brit Mus. Jan \u2793https://di...
Ivory. Cruciform, Ascension + Parousia. From Cologne, c.10-11 cent. Cluny Mus. Parishttps://digitalc...
Ivory of Xp - 7 cent. Coptic Mus. - Cairo
Ivory - possibly from Liege c.1100. Crucifixion. Brit Mus. Jan 93
Ivory, Baptism. 6 cent. ? From Eg. British Mus. II.22.22
Berlin - Ivory Dyptych. Xp between Peter, + Paul. Virgin + Child between 2 angels. 6 cent.https://di...
Phoenecian Ivory. End of 9 cent B.C. Karlsruhe Mus. Germany. VII.6.15
Ivory - Standing Virgin + Child. Copy of Hodegetria the palladomium of Constantinople. Utrecht - mid...
Ivory Panel - Carolignian, c.800. Virgin, John, Longinua + Stephaton. Brit Mus. Jan \u2793https://di...