Euthanasia represents one of the crimes against life of the person provided by art.148 Criminal Code of Republic of Moldova The problem of euthanasia is a very specific one in the framework of the movement initiated for legalization of this crime in different states of the world. However, the specific features of euthanasia and its single nature determine and differentiate this crime form other similar crimes provided by Criminal Code. The delimitation of euthanasia from other crimes is an important part of criminal analysis and it plays a central role in the qualification process
Lietuvos Respublikoje nesavanoriška eutanazija būtų kvalifikuojama pagal LR BK 129 str. 2 d. 2 p. At...
The diploma thesis is focused on the legal institute of euthanasia and related issues with emphasis ...
The following rigorous thesis closely and complexly deals with chosen deliberate crimes resulting in...
The subject of euthanasia represents one of the most discussed in criminal law, because of the fact ...
Between the protected rights by the romanian penal law,there is the privilege of life of one fellow....
Euthanasia is nowadays hot topic not only in terms of societal impact but also in terms of criminal ...
The goal of this thesis is to point out the weaknesses of the current terminology of euthanasia and ...
The thesis deals with legal aspects of euthanasia with special focus on criminal law context. It is ...
Still in Russia and abroad, questions about implementation of the right to life and right to death a...
Today in most countries the practising of euthanasia is not permissible and as in any case of a crim...
71 8. Summary- Euthanasia and criminal law Euthanasia is often regarded as a controversial topic tha...
The aim of this Master's degree thesis is an overall assessment of the issue of euthanasia and a con...
Eutanázie je v dnešní době velice aktuálním tématem, a to nejen z hlediska společenského ale i z hle...
The author discusses different segments of the institute of euthanasia ("murder out of mercy"), espe...
Pēdējo desmit gadu laikā vērojamā paaugstināta interese pret eitanāzijas legalizāciju ir diezgan akt...
Lietuvos Respublikoje nesavanoriška eutanazija būtų kvalifikuojama pagal LR BK 129 str. 2 d. 2 p. At...
The diploma thesis is focused on the legal institute of euthanasia and related issues with emphasis ...
The following rigorous thesis closely and complexly deals with chosen deliberate crimes resulting in...
The subject of euthanasia represents one of the most discussed in criminal law, because of the fact ...
Between the protected rights by the romanian penal law,there is the privilege of life of one fellow....
Euthanasia is nowadays hot topic not only in terms of societal impact but also in terms of criminal ...
The goal of this thesis is to point out the weaknesses of the current terminology of euthanasia and ...
The thesis deals with legal aspects of euthanasia with special focus on criminal law context. It is ...
Still in Russia and abroad, questions about implementation of the right to life and right to death a...
Today in most countries the practising of euthanasia is not permissible and as in any case of a crim...
71 8. Summary- Euthanasia and criminal law Euthanasia is often regarded as a controversial topic tha...
The aim of this Master's degree thesis is an overall assessment of the issue of euthanasia and a con...
Eutanázie je v dnešní době velice aktuálním tématem, a to nejen z hlediska společenského ale i z hle...
The author discusses different segments of the institute of euthanasia ("murder out of mercy"), espe...
Pēdējo desmit gadu laikā vērojamā paaugstināta interese pret eitanāzijas legalizāciju ir diezgan akt...
Lietuvos Respublikoje nesavanoriška eutanazija būtų kvalifikuojama pagal LR BK 129 str. 2 d. 2 p. At...
The diploma thesis is focused on the legal institute of euthanasia and related issues with emphasis ...
The following rigorous thesis closely and complexly deals with chosen deliberate crimes resulting in...