L’objectif de la thèse est d’une part, cerner les principales raisons qui stimulent les entrepreneurs informels à quitter leur état d’informalité pour s’insérer dans l’économie formelle, et d’autre part, à travers une démarche exploratoire, appréhender les principales stratégies qu’ils utilisent dans leur processus de formalisation. La recherche commence par une tentative de stabilisation du concept de « secteur informel » et de l’entrepreneuriat informel. Ensuite, une redéfinition de l’entreprise informelle a été proposée pour la différencier des autres entreprises non classiques. Une revue de littérature a permis de trouver un ancrage théorique qui s’appuie sur le paradigme, individu, organisation, et environnement. Dans la partie empiriq...
Informal entrepreneurship plays an important role in Morocco, as it allows for broad-based economic ...
Small and micro-enterprises play a significant part in most economies. However, in developing countr...
Entrepreneurship has become a veritable tool for economic development. It plays a crucial role in c...
his thesis reviews the primary considerations in answering the controversial questions about the Inf...
The study examined factors motivating informal entrepreneurship in developing countries with a view ...
Recent research in entrepreneurship field tends to give primacy to processual perspectives. However,...
The objective of this work is to highlight the strategies of formalization and the development of ac...
The study examined factors motivating informal entrepreneurship in developing countries with a view ...
The practice of venture management has recorded success in the United States of America and India. ...
Aujourd’hui, en Afrique, l’importance prise par l’informel est telle que les États ne peuvent plus é...
This paper investigates the degree of informality of agricultural entrepreneurship in Benin, using d...
Extant literature has shown that millions of Africans, as part of their everyday work and enterprise...
The idea that entrepreneurship can solve unemployment has undergone in-depth discussion in both the ...
This study is centred on informal entrepreneurship, an age-old economic endeavour and an integral pa...
This paper’s argument is based on the fact that developing entrepreneurial culture will help the cou...
Informal entrepreneurship plays an important role in Morocco, as it allows for broad-based economic ...
Small and micro-enterprises play a significant part in most economies. However, in developing countr...
Entrepreneurship has become a veritable tool for economic development. It plays a crucial role in c...
his thesis reviews the primary considerations in answering the controversial questions about the Inf...
The study examined factors motivating informal entrepreneurship in developing countries with a view ...
Recent research in entrepreneurship field tends to give primacy to processual perspectives. However,...
The objective of this work is to highlight the strategies of formalization and the development of ac...
The study examined factors motivating informal entrepreneurship in developing countries with a view ...
The practice of venture management has recorded success in the United States of America and India. ...
Aujourd’hui, en Afrique, l’importance prise par l’informel est telle que les États ne peuvent plus é...
This paper investigates the degree of informality of agricultural entrepreneurship in Benin, using d...
Extant literature has shown that millions of Africans, as part of their everyday work and enterprise...
The idea that entrepreneurship can solve unemployment has undergone in-depth discussion in both the ...
This study is centred on informal entrepreneurship, an age-old economic endeavour and an integral pa...
This paper’s argument is based on the fact that developing entrepreneurial culture will help the cou...
Informal entrepreneurship plays an important role in Morocco, as it allows for broad-based economic ...
Small and micro-enterprises play a significant part in most economies. However, in developing countr...
Entrepreneurship has become a veritable tool for economic development. It plays a crucial role in c...