Problem obilaska skakača na ploči je problem iz domene teorije grafova. Šahovska figura skakač, svojim potezima u obliku slova L, posjećuje polja šahovske ploče na način da ih posjeti samo jedanput. Općenito, riječ je o problemu pronalaska hamiltonovskog puta u neusmjerenom grafu. Za rješavanje problema koristi se Backtracking algoritam, uz primjenu Warnsdorffovog pravila za optimizaciju.A knight's tour problem is a problem from the domain of graph theory. The knight chess piece, with its moves in the shape of a letter L, traverses the squares of the chessboard in a way that visits each square only once. In general, this is a problem of finding a hamiltonian path in an undirected graph. The problem is solved using Backtracking algorithm, wi...